Like ready to fuck a prairie dog hole
But I would second the 1:1 ratio
I will occasionally run it higher than the test but this is a good rule of thumb that should keep everything working 😏
Pics or it never happened. Lol
I tend to agree with the prior statements man. Trenbolone is literally the only steroid I truly believe roid rage is associated with
Sure hormone imbalances combined with the constant journey to regain homeostasis can make anyone moody.. but he (tren) is the king of steroids and meant for...
So me and Gemelli had some words in our DM. I can say this much, I can truly appreciate our conversation and I can see Dylan is trying to redeem some of the things of the past. Just like I do for Dragon, I'm giving the benefit of doubt to Dylan. I think what he explained to me as a genuine...
Bro idk why you keep trying to call me out and say I'm lying about AM... what in God's name are you thinking I would accomplish by doing so?
Like what would be my motive?
And can we be done with gay jokes. Like I said I'm not 5, man. So some rando on a forum trying to threatwn my sexuality...
Go through this thread... they checked my ip address and they were going to do a Mac check... but I don't have access adress.... soooo yeah.. whoever looked into it... it should be earlier in this thread
Na bro I'm in colorado..
But dylan definitely sent me a bunch of threats on my DM... I think his plan is to come out here and idk... get me??
All I know is Dylan clearly stated I have no idea what I just got myself into.... so if I see a bunch of sweaty juice heads show up at my front door, at...
Definitely on anabolic minds. Look harder smart guy.
Anyone reading this can go to anabolicminds and look up the username chacheeman and find me.... sooooo yeah. There's that...
Gay... hmmm... na man I like coochie, thanks for the offer tho?
But I haven't heard anyone literally call someone...
Ummm... no....
they checked my ip address... and confirmed I'm not DO..
You do realize the threat came from dylan and not me, right? I just followed up with a "do it then" reactive statement...
brainiac. SMH
Yes.. again not here to sponsor dragon ordnance. I just told you I haven't gotten fake aas from him and his customer service has been outstanding.... from my experience. Did you read my posts?
not hiding... I'll call you up.. I'll face time you... I'll fuckin meet you in person...