I'll try to provide a detailed workout as much as possible. The logging during the lift definitely slowed down the heart rate and as you see from my photo today I need that heart rate up to burn that bullshit I packed on the end of last year!
Also plan to update photos every two weeks
I'm very curious to see how your joints respond to 50mg of winstrol. When I tried it years ago I couldn't go higher than 35mg.
Also what's the reason with the 12-6 meal window?
Looking forward to seeing your progress bro! Nice job
The log posted is a base structure. I'll be updating through each week with workouts (including weights), Meals, etc. All meals are recorded on an app so ill probably do screen shots to save time.
So here are some photos from last may and July. I'll share current photos today so you can see...
Well been testing the waters with tren before I kicked this off just to make sure I wasn't going to post a log an abort mission immediately. I'm 3 weeks into the cycle. I started with 100mg of tren wk 1, 150mg wk 2, and just finished week 3 at 240mg.
Aggression and insomnia kicked in early...
Placed order 7 days ago and touchdown! I've only tried the EP Clen and EQ which I was very happy with. Looking forward to sharing results/experience.
Thank you PSL!
The help desk isn't the best place in my opinion unless you get someone from the states. Jason will help you out! Also, brother for domestic I always give them 2 full weeks before reaching out. Depending on how you paid it may take 5 days to verify payment. Naps is good to go!
Usually 21-24 days. Sometimes the tracking isn't updated. One time mine said they just received it at the shipping location and it was delivered when I got home.