Something I forgot to add is that my goal is to hit at least 220-250 grams of protein. I try to drink a gallon of water every day but I am bad at substituting some of that with fat free skim milk.
My name is Mark and currently about to hit 45 in age. I am 5’7 and have dropped about 8 pounds in last 2 weeks to where I am at currently 202lbs. Just took my last injection of a 12 week cycle at the beginning of last week.
Current Cycle: 12 weeks starting at the beginning of May. I ran one shot...
First off I’m a few months from turning 45. 5”7 and go from 189 lbs. to about 210 on average completing a 12 week cycle. I have done cycles in the past with Test and Primabolin. I really didn’t have a clue and followed someone who competed, sold supplements at the gym, and was a personal...