Another scam proof of ivandank. Hey @ivandanko why dont you address concerns that your hgh is counterfeit and fake? I dont get why you're not talking about it and giving feedback, unless you're a true selective scammer.
Dragon ordanance has no been exposed as a total scammer, not selective scammer. Your review is just one more proof he's lying and scamming. The word on the street is that he's been sending fake raw materials and counterfeit raws for a long time. He as just caught.
Dragon Ordnance is a low IQ idiot that can't even spell his company name correctly. He wants you to go read about him on places he pays to scam on. He sends fake powders, no one tests them, that's the truth.
Here is what we know so far.
Dragon Ordnance sent fake powders
Dragon Ordnance...
I'm not sure you can say he's "not" a scammer. The type of steroids he sends people are literally giving them infections, wouldn't that make him a scammer? It does to me.
You're a female, don't go over 5mgs winstrol seriously! dangerous to go high dose. Sides are bad. Stick to 5mgs winstrol and 2.5mgs anavar max. Doses are not the same as for guys.