Day 65 and 66
Monday and teusday
Acne is back....
I think I should of gotten acutane tbh nothing seems to really stop the acne just moreover slow it down .
1 cup greek yogurt 242g
4 eggs fried 196g
50g almonds
2 Tbsp butter
= 843 calories(21g...
Day 64 and 65
Saturday and sunday
Saturday went for mostly just alot of light workouts and alot of stretching glutes are getting a bit tight from all the muscles I'm adding probably around my buttocks haha.
Greek yogurt 1 cup
Almonds 50g
1 bannana
=503 calories(44g...
Day 62 and 63
Thursday and Friday
Getting ab acne?
Out of all the places I get it in my abs
None on my chest lower back or ass just my abs lmfao.
Going to start applying my soap there now.
1 cup greek yogurt
50g almonds
Whole milk 8oz
= 553...
Whoops meant to say 245 on bench, and squat my new pr was was 350 I didn't mention in my last log but also went to test my new pr for bench and squat on the same day when I went back a second time during saturday.
Do I regret any of this?
Certainly not, gained a load of strength and was able to recover from the intense weight cutting and diet over my season. Got a little bit bigger too mostly I'd say in my shoulder,traps and waist.
This was before my cycle during the end of my wrestling season when I was super dried out and lean bascially around 7-8 percent body fat and lost alot of my muscles from cutting so many times. Should of taken more pictures from side and back but these were the only pics from the front.
Day 58 and 59
Sunday and monday
6/11/2023 - 6/12/2023
Sunday was a rest day
Monday through friday changed the week up to be a mostly cardio and Deload I feel the strength is stagnant right now tried to do mr pr for my bench
And it didn't feel much easier.
Was able to get to around 240 which is...