tren makes you feel the best?
you sure you have real trenbolone?
please post picture of the trenbolone you used that makes you feel best @Justlearning22
Arimidex from baboon not working is not good @n8cantrell
I hope @GDRoids addresses this in his thread
@Monogordo5 now that you're in deep ketosis, start cutting fat and bumping protein, I see you doing 160 to 200 grams of fat
drop this to around 140-150 grams of fat
and up protein by around 50 grams minimum
can you do that?
Yea I think it was @boxcutter that had some HGH results, but hard to say if it was good quality since he went MIA strange
I would like @GDRoids to provide actual feedback to explain what happened
thats good training update basic but would be nice if you updated your log
give the Anabolex family an update so we can follow you more :)