I keep my fats pretty low because I don’t need them to stimulate my natural hormone production as I’m getting my hormones exogenously. Also fats are 9 calories per gram and the more fats I have the less protein/carbs I get in within my calorie budget
Wednesday 16/10/2024
Evening fellas!
Couldn’t help but absolutely annihilate arms today. Smashed 3 sets of over 12 reps on 45kgs on the tricep push down, lateral raising the 10kgs pretty well - probably got 10 good reps in for 3 sets as well as bicep curls with the 15kg where I basically...
Monday 14/10/2023
Today I hit made sure to hit back, shoulders and chest.
For back I did the lat pulldown and low row. For shoulders I did lateral raises and DB shoulder press and for chest I did static holds 70-100kg (incrementing up in weight each hold).
Overall felt great and as I’m...
Sunday 13/10/2024
Today I pinned my left delt and so morning training was out of the question and waited to re-evaluate in the afternoon and I was feeling good so I hit a great back and bi session.
Really loving the low rows (can’t quite remember how much I was lifting as it was plate loaded...