10x10 pull-ups close grip
50lbs 20x3 hammer curls
Pronation and riser (arm wrestling workouts)
120lbs lat pull downs 12x3
80lbs single arm rows 10x3
Triceps 40lbs single arm on cable machine pull downs and over the head extensions
200 sit ups along with leg raises slowly doing...
What up guys just been super busy w dogs and running the business man, blessing but a curse. Been doing great work out I'll update today after my session. Hope all you guys are doing fucking awesome.
About to eat soon. 2 1lb NY, 2 8oz filets, and some sirloin kabobs. Going to make eggs and rice as well. Arm wrestling tournament this weekend. Just doing some band work and staying fresh and rested for Saturday
Hammer curls
70lbs 1x10
80lbs 1x10
100lbs 1x10
Preacher bench
40lbs each side 80lbs total
Teardown by 10lb increments and back up
20 close grip pull-ups
3x10 dips
Cable machine
Single arm pull downs
45lbs 3x10 each arm
Over head arm extension
30lbs 3x10
Cable machine...
Fux guys ended up w the worst headache and my sinuses clogged up af. Today was a wash for the gym but I did crush arm wrestling shit in my garage. Tomorrow is another day looking to get in there tomorrow.