Hey guys. Started my cycle last Saturday. Wanted to get in a week’s worth before I speak on it. So, I’ve been slowly adjusting to going from no testosterone/orals (cold turkey) for 3 months to about 2.5 ccs of injectables and a total of 140 mgs dbol wkly + 350 mgs anadrol wkly. So far I haven’t...
I was implying that his cycle was superior to mine and that there’s levels to the game and If one wants to compete one should break through mental barriers.
Hello faithful family. To Anabolex and all the regulars who have made it possible for me to change my body.
While having the opportunity to use the best supplements, I have dabbled in the last 5 years with many cycles. Well I’ve more than dabbled and I have shopped around a little too, learned...