Damn I feel like shit because I never finished this log. 5 years later I’m back in the mood to do it right this time. I was motivated to come back and log because I saw that all the guys are still here supporting the newbs like I was. Y’all changed my life. I appreciate all the admin and moderators.
This isn’t the juice drinker forums. This forum is for gear related topics. Drinking juice is gay, I’ve never been into juice. I’m an adult now so I don’t even think of juice
I dislocated my thumb from the socket after a street fight was benching Heavy the same week. Hows your tolerance and where’s your warrior mentality? although it’s pretty bad ass you fight and I hope you at least got some good chingasos in... Recover. Or lift... what the fuck do you want? A hug😂
I actually meant topical solution like lotion or something of that sort. I’ve heard it being out there but didn’t know for sure. Thanks for the help and sorry for the typo on “Liquid” Anti-Estrogen
Yo where’s that liquid form of nolva @? Where can I find it. I’m getting some gyno on one nipple only and it’s pissing me off. I want to try a Topical solution instead of blasting actual nolva while on cycle. The 12.5 mgs EOD aromasin ain’t got shit on dbol and test I’m running. Hopping on...
You can eat whatever you want. Do you have to compete tomorrow lol? Hell na... If your like a lean guy Who gives a f*ck Burn that shit off by tonight. I swear misery loves company. Repeat after me: I WILL NOT LIVE A tasteless life😂 I usually eat clean for a couple days, home made meals then I’ll...
From before the ban as in 2013? 7 year old compounds... I think your friend swindled you out of half a grand. No friend of mine would sell me old ass fuckin prohormones. Watch your back homie.
Probably a micro tear somewhere in the cuff. Your gonna need a month of recovery. Hard to do, no choice. Or suffer for a long time... I’m one of the guys who chooses to suffer rather than sit out. Decisions yours.
Sustanon is the most powerful test as is. If your blowing up why add anadrol...? its making you sick. I don’t know how tall you are but unless your 7 foot tall 260 pounds is obese. Anadrol will raise your blood pressure. So add some GW If you do decide to decrease the sus and add the drol. Don’t...
I was just watching a bodybuilding podcast, King Kamali to Lee Priest seeing rooks at the gym running to the bathroom every 20 minutes injecting insulin between sets. He was adamant that that shit was retarded.
How well people respond to drugs (PEDS) is more of an inclining factor, older men psychically carry more body weight and experience. You see them owning the poundage more often. Agreed.