Bro, maybe you just didn't ask the question clearly. Right now this question seems very strange. Why would you want to add sustanon to the testosterone you're already using? If it's so necessary, just increase the dosage of what you're already using.
Responsible owners clean up after their pets.
At the same time there are homeless animals - cats, dogs. But in my whole life I see more people littering than dogs pooping)
I think for your weight 300-400 mg of deca per week is more than enough. If you want to add Test, 400-500 mg (Enanthate or Cypionate) would be appropriate.
I would suggest a humidifier and/or a window ajar at night. You may have too dry air in your room. And night apnea may be due to poor quality products, you should buy products from trusted sources such as STEROID.MARKET.
Heartburn is a reaction of the mucosa of the esophagus (not the stomach) to hydrochloric acid, which is released when eating.
If you train your legs with significant weights in deadlifts and squats, you should first check your condition (health) regarding gastroesophageal reflux.
Bro, we all changing. There may have come a point in adulthood where you have finally lost the ability to digest lactose. Use any supplements that contain LACTASE. This ferment (enzyme) will help you solve the problem. Check out any trade names of supplements containing LACTASE.