I’m glad i tried ashop because it made me realize how crappy a source they are and how i should just stick to approved and vetted sources only
First they screwed up my order and mixed mine with up with someone elses
Then they send me fake products
No way this stuff is real. I’m up like 2 pounds...
I work on the road in Communications industry and i am based in the midwest and usually travel to the southeast
The food in that part of the country is awful anywhere you go. Usually the guys I work with want to go to restaurants along the highway and it's all junkie food. Do you have any...
Some of the guys that I played baseball with you steroids but I don't want to mess around with them because I'm too young. but I do feel I need something because I'm a pitcher and my arm gets tired the day after a game. Something for recovery would be great
What sarms would be good for me? I...