I have never been one to meal prep but I always wanted to do it… I do have a basic meal for breakfast lunch pre workout meal and dinner.
Breakfast- 4 whole eggs and a whole wheat tortilla
Snack- almonds or pistachios
Lunch- salmon and broccoli or tilapia and broccoli
workout time
Dinner- some...
Diet past cycle and current weight:
I am going to be on a cut… got to get ready for my sisters wedding.
I am 5’9” at 190lbs soaking wet lol.
I’ll probably be eating around 2,800 calories will go up or down depending on my weight and look in the morning.
The past cycle I ran was test E and...
I’m planning on running a test and anavar cycle.
Test E from parapharma is gonna be ran at 500mg -750 typically I can run 500 no issue.
The dragon pharma anvar ordered from UGfreak will be ran at 50mg a day to 75 depending on how the sides are. This will be my first time running anavar...
Training split:
Alright guys my age is 23 I am gonna be running a push pull legs training split. During this if there is a lagging body part I will focus on those through out, but mainly push pull legs.