I dont trust you, I heard ugfreak will expose my information and doxx my information. he does this as revenge to clients.
I have blood work to prove it, I can expose you! I am just afraid you will post my personal information and doxx me to the world and I'm scared of you.
I heard many times...
because I post first time I'm a liar? you are the liar for selling fake and under dosed steroids if you ask me.
@ugfreak you do sell fake shit! Whether you know it or not your para pharma testosterone is fake or very underdosed. I have proof and I can post the blood work if you keep lying.
So its confirmed after using ugfreak.to gear that they have phony testosterone. My numbers were tested, i was using 200mgs a week of their stuff. The online Calculator Say that my numbers when I get blood work done should be well over a thousand at that dosage
well my numbers are only at 420...