I busted my butt all cycle to put on 12 lb of good clean gains.
and then I had a post Cycle Therapy set up and had gotten from expresspct who are supposed to be the best in the business. I've lost all my hard-fought results and I've completely crashed after cycle. They screwed me with their bunk...
I am in big trouble
I am on 1000mg a week testosterone and started to get gyno really bad. It is so bad my gf has been playing with my man boobs. I have been using expressPCT aromasin from day 1 at 25mg a day and it didn’t work. They sell fake aromasin!
I used expressPCT before and their products have always been on point, they saved me from gyno and their clomid is good. However this go around I was sent fake product. I used their aromasin on cycle and my estrogen was sky high anyway. Same brand as before but different numbers.
I am so triggered right now.
I purchased from expresspct.com their aromasin and nolvadex.
I am using 25mg EOD of the aromasin and 10mg a day of the nolvadex
I am on a steroid cycle of testosterone and dianabol
I have developed a good size lump under my right nipple. Obviously their aromasin is bunk