Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #59 - Best Injection sites for beginners and advanced? - Euro Pharma
Evolutionary.org Hard 2.0 #58 - The best needle size for beginners? Injection guide - Euro Pharma
IronOverload.io Hardcore 33 - Injection help and help with PIP (post injection pain)
everytime I inject steroids-store steroids I get some painful welts on my body
I did one in my glute the other day and its been 3 days and I still cannot even sit or walk
I am worried this is dirty gear. Is it normal to have this every injection?
Evolutionary.org 469 Reduce appetite on Steroids and Swelling at the injection site.
I had a question on what PIP post injection pain was.
I injected some Sustanon the other day and I did 2 CC's into my shoulder.
That comes out to 500mgs
10 or 15 minutes later it felt like my muscle was really tight. Then the next day i could not lift my arm in the air because it was so sore
I'm 23 years old
176 pounds
this is my first cycle and I am 2 weeks into it and I'm getting concerned. every time I do an injection I get a red blister on the injection spot and it swells up where I can't even sit down on my butt.
I’m using sustanon250 X2 per week
please give me some advice
What is the general rule to win to start PCT
I'll be doing the perfect PCT that is on Evo
my question is when am I supposed to start it. Is it supposed to be 2 weeks after my last injection or do I start it right when I finish my cycle
I read that some people start their post cycle too early and...