Power-anabolics promised they would stop scamming customers after the big scandal a few years back when they stole money off the reddit forum they were running
They came back and for 2 years they were doing an amazing job providing quality gear to people
Now they are back to scamming again. I...
The hgh from power anabolics is fake
me and my friend have been using their growth hormone for the past 2 months. Both of us have ended up worse than we started. There is zero fat loss and we are having no improvements to any other parts of our body. Should have at least some lean muscle mass...
Power anabolics is a crappy source
I would not use them again
I did 500mgs a week of testosterone propionate. I split up my dosages EOD
After 3 weeks i went and go bloods. My numbers came in low on that dosage. Their products are extremely underdosed and I have no libido either