I’m looking to stack some lgd4033 and gw501516 for lean gains.
What are some good tips you can give me when it comes to putting it on while also preventing fat accumulation?
My stats are 23 years old and I’m 158 lbs and 6’1”. I’ve got a lean physique and I would like to continue to recomp
do you...
I would like to cut down body fat while also gaining muscle mass with steroids
I believe they call this recomposition
my stats are 5’9” and 188 lbs.. this is my 3rd cycle
my body fats around 14% body fat and I’m 35 years old
which steroids do you recommend I use going forward to help with this...
I’m looking to run some testosterone and some anavar.
The two I’m looking at doing is 300 mg of the test and 60mgs of the anavar.
I’m currently 162 lbs and I’m 5’9” 12% body fat and I’m 30 years old
my main goal here is to do a recomposition I would like to gain strength and muscle while also...
I’m 28 years old and I am approximately 225 lbs and 22% body fat
looking to use this ACP I got with gw501516 and lgd4033
my plan is this:
ACP 15mgs a day
GW 20mgs a day
LGD 10mgs a day
8 weeks.
Then extending GW another 4 weeks at 25mgs a day.
Is this a good plan for cutting and recomp?
Looking to do a recomposition or maybe a lean bulking stack
I’m currently 208 lbs and I’m 5’11” body fat is around 12%
EQ dose I want to run is 250mgs a week
tren ace is 200mgs a week
mast prop is gonna be 50mgs EOD
do you think this is a good setup for 12 weeks or should I cut back on the weeks...
If you had to choose 1 steroid between eq and anavar to use to add to my test base on my next cycle for recomp which would you choose?
I’m 41 years old and I would like to build a strong body while also cutting body fat. My stats are 6’ and 188 pounds. I’m roughly 13-14% body fat.
Please give...
wanted to share one of my many reviews i put up via reddit on here.
Got the call from a buddy that he was ready to place an order too, so we ordered together. We both got test E and anavar from geneza pharma.
We both ran the VAR at 50 mg a day and he used testosterone at 250 mg a week and I use...
I’m excited to try tren for the first time. The 3 options my source said I could choose from are E vs. Ace, vs. Hex. He says that they’re all good but it just depends on what I’m looking for.
I told him I would try one of them once I consulted with you guys. This is the first time I’ve used...
Hello, looking for lean muscle and some recomp effects. I’m 95kg and 5’7’’ 38 years old.
I’m looking to do a test and primo stack.
Probably about 250 mg of each per week for about 12 weeks
I want to use masteron with it but not sure on dosage. Some people say 500mgs is good but others say I...
I’m looking to get anavar on my next cycle.
Sounds like a great steroid for a newbie. This will be my very first cycle. I’m 24 years old. Built strong and muscular. 6’2’’ and 218 pounds and around 18% body fat or a bit more.
Looking to lose some weight and recomp.
My plan is 100mgs of anavar for...
I’m currently 5’7” and I’m 180 lbs and about 20% body fat a friend suggested that I do a recomp cycle. I’m very strong for my size but I definitely could lose body fat and gain some muscle.
He suggested this cycle tell me what you think:
ostarine 20mgs a day
s4 100mgs a day
sr9009 20mgs a day
need some help on my upcoming cycle and advice
what do you think about using yk11 10mgs a day and ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day?
Are these two interchangeable or do I need to swap 1 or 2 out for some other steroids if I want to get in a good recomposition on my next cycle
I’m currently 25 years...
I’m currently 14% body fat and about 88 kg at 22 years old
I’m looking to gain muscle and also lose body fat at the same time
looking to do a potent stack of sarms together
s23 seems like a good one and my aim is to go 15 mg along with the SR at 25 mg both per day
question is would you go 8...
please help with this sarms cycle I am putting together.
I want to recomp and improve my physique
the stack I’m looking to do is:
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
lgd4033 10mgs a day
sr9009 5mgs 3x per day.
My stats are 5’7’’ 195 and about 20% body fat. I have room to improve
48 years old
180 pounds
getting deep into bodybuilding and weight training after a few months away.
I’m looking to do sort of a recomp/lean bulking cycle
my plan was this:
600mgs a week equipoise
200mgs a week testosterone
and also superdrol as a kickstarter or maybe a finisher. How much...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #72 - Recomp and Get Lean with Pharmaqo Labs
44 years old and I’m five foot 6...185 pounds with 13% body fat
main goals are RECOMP
I’m looking to do a short and sweet 10 week short Esther cycle.
4th cycle ever!
My plan is this and tell me what you would change:
tren ace 50mgs EOD
test prop: 100mgs 3x per week
mast prop: 200mgs 3x per week...
I’m curious about how would you recommend I use mk677 nutrobal in this stack.
A friend recommended that I use gw501516 but I’m not sure if that would be the best option.
My goals are recomping.
I’m currently in my early 30s and this will be the second time I’ve used sarms. First time I use them...
Never thought I would recomp with my average genetics. I’ve always been one of those guys who can only bulk or cut I couldn’t do both at the same time.
Geneza pharma has proven me wrong though.
Their products are outstanding. I’m using their winstrol, masteron and testosterone. I’ve put on 4...
Seems like every recomp I read about involves people using really harsh steroids like superdrol, tren or anadrol. Would like to still lose body fat and gain muscle mass at the same time but don’t want to use anything rough.
You think I can run something simple like primo and test and get good...