I worked a graveyard shift basically what that means is I work all night so I usually train either before work or after work in the morning then I sleep during the day
I’m wondering which supplements do you recommend that I use before my training session that won’t affect my sleeve in case I...
I’m currently training 2-3x per week and not seeing enough results
I’m looking to look like some of you on here and just improve my look overall
So i ask a simple question, how often do you currently train? And how often did you train at your peak?
I’m 51 years old
190 pounds
I know how to train and diet no problem. Been around the game a long time. My waist is currently 36in and I like to drop a couple sizes. My body fat is about 18%. If I could get down lower it would be great
this is my first time using sarms
can you help put...