my understanding is that is not allowed to sell dragon pharma so they likely sell fakes and counterfeits
we had other negative reviews on them
Dragonpharmastore used to be good back a few years ago This was when they sold actual dragon products. Unfortunately they changed a lot and no longer are someone that I recommend Ever since they hire kenny and brian to run the store its been downhill ever since I hope they get their act together...
So i cross checked dragon pharma products from dragon pharma store and found out they are fake. 3 different people verified it and also using their products i know fake steroids when i see it I plan on using a different Source going forward and definitely will avoid these guys. Do you know where... is the place to go for getting ripped off After placing an order for $600 worth of steroids I sat there waiting for them to get the products in stock It's been now 6 weeks and they're still claiming that they don't have the products in stock and they're blaming me for...
I believe is the real dragon domestic seller,, you can see his intro thread here - Your favorite shop to go! Best deals and best promos! We're happy to announce that we are now on Anabolex! We are very happy to be a part of the Anabolex community and make sure to provide you guys a lot of deals, promos and most important providing you guys the best customer...
maybe his rep
@PCTShopRep can chime in to this convo