If I do 2 cycles per year now what's a safe amount of cycles per year? I hear a lot of guys going into TRT so they cycle then TRT then cycle. Is that realistic.
I was just curious if i can year round it
if you want to destroy your HPTA then sure go year round. lots of guys do, we got guys going on TRT in their 30's and even 20's now. it is not only silly but it is completely counter productive
If I do 2 cycles per year now what's a safe amount of cycles per year? I hear a lot of guys going into TRT so they cycle then TRT then cycle. Is that realistic.
I was just curious if i can year round it
I'm on trt and I still do 2. It's time on equals time off regardless of trt or not so you gain nothing by going on trt, but you destroy your chance of getting your natural test back and you're dependent on it for life
The best thing you can do is stay off cycle as long as possible. I think 1-2 cycles per year is a good number. I would not recommend "cruising" or doing self-TRT. You want to recover for as long as you can before requiring this.
you should never blast and cruise unless you actually need trt medically... its just not smart... 1-2 cycles per year is good man... then you can run a sarms bridge in between cycles as well!