Growing Newb
I was over on reddit researching some supplements and came across blackstone labs euphoria. They seem to be claiming it's like makes you euphoric like a drug or something like that. I was reading the pitch and it says on sales page.
Attached is the supplement panel I found online. Basically it has bete phenethylamine, gdP choline, 5-htp, cymbidium goeringii, L-theanine, and n-acetyl L-tyrosine. The guys over on reddit were saying this is like drugs or ecstacy or something, I don't know about that. Like you take it and you can be hyper in a social setting with people you don't know, lol sounds like hard drugs to me? is this legit guys? or you think it's overplayed?
Euphoria is an all-natural, hangover free relaxation supplement that helps you unwind no matter how tightly you’ve been wound. Euphoria is ideal for a chill night at home or a night out partying with friends.
Attached is the supplement panel I found online. Basically it has bete phenethylamine, gdP choline, 5-htp, cymbidium goeringii, L-theanine, and n-acetyl L-tyrosine. The guys over on reddit were saying this is like drugs or ecstacy or something, I don't know about that. Like you take it and you can be hyper in a social setting with people you don't know, lol sounds like hard drugs to me? is this legit guys? or you think it's overplayed?