this is a topic i try my best to educate otherwise intelligent people on with facts.
1. we EVOLVED eating primarily fruit, in fact the reason you can see colors is so humans could tell the difference between fruit being ripe or not
2. fruit has been consumed by humans since we existed and it is found in every religious book dating back thousands of years
3. when you eat something it has to be processed by the body which uses up energy. fruit uses up the LEAST amount of energy since it is so easy to process and digest
4. taking a look at every blue zone in the world they consume lots of plants including tons of fruit and they are the healthiest people on the planet. those that consume the least are the worst health
5. fruit contains almost all water and fiber. very little sugar
6. fruit has a very low gylcemic load
7. fruit spikes insulin levels very little compared to every other food except pure natural fat.
so my point is don't let anyone scare you into not consuming fruit, in fact fruit is the one thing you can literally survive on forever. it is a shame in the bodybuilding world people have been tricked into staying away from fruit