Is it possible to do a lean bulk on testosterone only? or would I be better served stacking it with something equipoise or primobolan at high doses?
Thinking of doing 1000mgs of EQ or primo and then low dose test, like maybe 150-200mgs
Or would i be better off just doing 600mgs of test solo with an oral?
I'm right around 200 lb and I would like to hit 215 in the next few months. but I don't want to put on any type of body fat so it needs to be a lean bulk. I'm 5 ft 8 in and I am 29 years old
Thinking of doing 1000mgs of EQ or primo and then low dose test, like maybe 150-200mgs
Or would i be better off just doing 600mgs of test solo with an oral?
I'm right around 200 lb and I would like to hit 215 in the next few months. but I don't want to put on any type of body fat so it needs to be a lean bulk. I'm 5 ft 8 in and I am 29 years old