Mav’s Liver Log
Here’s the deal. I am going to post everything about my liver issues for four reasons.
First, with the hope I can help someone now and/or in the future.
Second, to catalog my experience so I can reference it in the future.
Third, to get input from VETS and those who have been through this shit before.
Fourth, as an outlet to deal with something that makes me uncomfortable.
My promise to you and this board. I will not hold back and what you get from me will be a genuine transparent experience. It might piss some people off and I guarantee some will disagree with me, but so be it.
And we’re off…
Former athlete
Experienced with anabolic steroids(AS) beginning in college at the age of 18 with intermittent systematic usage of a number of common compounds for about 10 years or so before going natural. Hitting 40 years old, I saw a significant decline in strength, increase in BF and increase in injuries. A legacy Anabolex member from back in the day, I decided to return and dive back in. During my research, I learned about SARMS. Initially they sounded too good to be true, but given the feedback on with the Mods and Vets here, I decided to launch my first SARMS cycle May 2022
(Pre-cycle Liver values) March 2022
ALT – 32
AST – 18
CYCLE #1 - May 4, 2022 – August 24, 2022
SARMS “Healing Stack” - (Sarms4Sale)
1-12 Mk677 (NUTROBAL) 25 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 N2generate
Mini pct 13-16
Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
GAINS: I loved this cycle. The sides were manageable and minimal compared to AS and the gains were excellent. I was very happy.
Took about two months off and created my second cycle
CYCLE #2 – October 3rd through…well…never. Never fully started it and cut it short.
Old Man Cycle #2
October 3rd - November 12th
20mgs cardarine gw/day
50mgs ostarine mk/day
November 12th - January 7th
20mgs cardarine gw/day - Umbrella Labs
50mgs ostarine mk/day - Umbrella Labs
250mg/Ultima-TestoMix (sustanon) Ultima Pharmaceutical - from DS
organ liver support supplements
PCT - 6 weeks (assuming I need a full PCT because of the test dose)
Clomid - 50/50/50/5025/25
Nolva - 40/40/40/40/20/20
MK- 2866 - 25 mg/day
GW 501516 - 20mg/day
Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD
Routine bloodwork October 15th was abnormal
ALT – 53
AST - 44
NOW, I posted a thread about these issues at the time
I admitted I started the second cycle without using N2Gaurd or other organ support and many were quick to jump to conclusions about the elevated enzymes being a result of this, but I now know that was not the case. (More on this later)
Within a week I was taking TUDCA, Milk Thistle and NAC
CYCLE Adjustment:
I stopped all the SARMS except for the 20mgs cardarine gw/day - Umbrella Labs
Lowered the Test dose to a TRT dose of .3ml of 200mg/ml cypionate twice per week
I have been on both since to this day
My doc scheduled a third blood test for January 4th and it was abnormal again.
ALT – 67
AST – 43 (dropped a point)
At this point, My doc scheduled a liver ultrasound and I was diagnosed with "MILD" non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. What causes NAFLD you may ask?
high cholesterol
high triglycerides
poor diet
Usually a combination of more than 2 of the above.
Oddly enough, I have never had one of the above issues! Not one. I asked my family doc if the supplements could cause it and he said without question no.
I take little to no NSAIDS or Tylenol.
I do not drink alcohol.
Current Situation "cycle that is not a cycle":
TRT dose .3 ml 200mg/ml cypionate
20mgs cardarine gw/day Polycell formula - Umbrella Labs
Liver Specialist - MORE TESTING COMING:
I went to see a liver specialist a couple weeks back and they agreed that the cause of my diagnosis is supremely odd considering my good health. They ordered a ton of additional blood tests that were drawn earlier this week and I should have the results within two weeks. In addition to ALT and AST testing, they are also testing for a variety of auto-immune issues that might cause this.
In addition, they suggested I lose weight, despite not being fat. I am about roughly 18% BF at the moment, so I will lose some fat, but I imagine they are throwing that our because that is just what they normally do for this diagnosis. I was told by two docs that 95%+ of the people who have NAFLD are painfully fat. That I am not, nor ever have been.
This is just really effed up.
There is no way for me to prove this, but given my history it is hard to deny the possibility that this condition was a direct result of my first SARMS cycle. Good, bad or ugly.
Could it have been lying in wait? I guess that is a possibility but given the timing, not likely
Could it have been because my diet was not SUPER clean during that cycle? Possibly, but doubtful because outside of a few convenient meals, my diet was healthy.
Could it have been my age? I guess that is a possibility but given the timing, not likely
Not sure and I might never know, BUT….
…there are documented cases of SARMS induced liver issues as laid out in a recent post Dylan put up on how Umbrella Labs Poly Cell formula can bypass the liver (I hope and pray this is true so I can keep using them.)
In my opinion, if it looks like a duck and's a duck.
NOTE: I was taking N2Gaurd the entire first cycle.
BTW…N2Gaurd is now available, but they changed their formula FYI.
Vitamin A dose cut down 70%
Thiamine daily value skewed
Calcium removed
Turmeric Extract replaced by Turmeric Root
Dandelion Root dose increased from 50 - 200mg
Uvas-ursi Leaf Extract compound and concentration changed
Rhodiola Root Extract values changed and dosage increased from 25-100mg
Bacopa Extract dose decreased from 25 - 6.35 mgAcetyl L-Carnitine L-Tartrate HCL changed to L-Carnitine Tartrate
Picroliv Removed & Picrorhiza Root added
Capparis Spinosa dose decreased from 50-5 mg
NAC removed
Milk Thistle dosage decreased from 300 - 75mg
Red Yeast Rice removed
Astragalus Root dosage decreased from 300 - 75mg
After learning more about liver health, I am stunned they removed NAC and do not have Vitamin E in this mix. Vitamin E is one of the only supplements that is proved to improve liver function and repair after multiple double-blind placebo-controlled tests.
Who knows…maybe the new formula is better. Who the hell knows.
Diet is clean as ever right now. I am basically following the Mediterranean diet.
Lastly, there is an argument to take MK677 or HGH because it reduces fat around the liver(organs) however I do not believe Umbrella Labs carries a polycell MK677 formula.
Curious if anyone here reversed a NAFLD diagnosis.
OK bros…that’s it. Fire away.
Here’s the deal. I am going to post everything about my liver issues for four reasons.
First, with the hope I can help someone now and/or in the future.
Second, to catalog my experience so I can reference it in the future.
Third, to get input from VETS and those who have been through this shit before.
Fourth, as an outlet to deal with something that makes me uncomfortable.
My promise to you and this board. I will not hold back and what you get from me will be a genuine transparent experience. It might piss some people off and I guarantee some will disagree with me, but so be it.
And we’re off…
Former athlete
Experienced with anabolic steroids(AS) beginning in college at the age of 18 with intermittent systematic usage of a number of common compounds for about 10 years or so before going natural. Hitting 40 years old, I saw a significant decline in strength, increase in BF and increase in injuries. A legacy Anabolex member from back in the day, I decided to return and dive back in. During my research, I learned about SARMS. Initially they sounded too good to be true, but given the feedback on with the Mods and Vets here, I decided to launch my first SARMS cycle May 2022
(Pre-cycle Liver values) March 2022
ALT – 32
AST – 18
CYCLE #1 - May 4, 2022 – August 24, 2022
SARMS “Healing Stack” - (Sarms4Sale)
1-12 Mk677 (NUTROBAL) 25 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 N2generate
Mini pct 13-16
Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
GAINS: I loved this cycle. The sides were manageable and minimal compared to AS and the gains were excellent. I was very happy.
Took about two months off and created my second cycle
CYCLE #2 – October 3rd through…well…never. Never fully started it and cut it short.
Old Man Cycle #2
October 3rd - November 12th
20mgs cardarine gw/day
50mgs ostarine mk/day
November 12th - January 7th
20mgs cardarine gw/day - Umbrella Labs
50mgs ostarine mk/day - Umbrella Labs
250mg/Ultima-TestoMix (sustanon) Ultima Pharmaceutical - from DS
organ liver support supplements
PCT - 6 weeks (assuming I need a full PCT because of the test dose)
Clomid - 50/50/50/5025/25
Nolva - 40/40/40/40/20/20
MK- 2866 - 25 mg/day
GW 501516 - 20mg/day
Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD
Routine bloodwork October 15th was abnormal
ALT – 53
AST - 44
NOW, I posted a thread about these issues at the time
I admitted I started the second cycle without using N2Gaurd or other organ support and many were quick to jump to conclusions about the elevated enzymes being a result of this, but I now know that was not the case. (More on this later)
Within a week I was taking TUDCA, Milk Thistle and NAC
CYCLE Adjustment:
I stopped all the SARMS except for the 20mgs cardarine gw/day - Umbrella Labs
Lowered the Test dose to a TRT dose of .3ml of 200mg/ml cypionate twice per week
I have been on both since to this day
My doc scheduled a third blood test for January 4th and it was abnormal again.
ALT – 67
AST – 43 (dropped a point)
At this point, My doc scheduled a liver ultrasound and I was diagnosed with "MILD" non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. What causes NAFLD you may ask?
high cholesterol
high triglycerides
poor diet
Usually a combination of more than 2 of the above.
Oddly enough, I have never had one of the above issues! Not one. I asked my family doc if the supplements could cause it and he said without question no.
I take little to no NSAIDS or Tylenol.
I do not drink alcohol.
Current Situation "cycle that is not a cycle":
TRT dose .3 ml 200mg/ml cypionate
20mgs cardarine gw/day Polycell formula - Umbrella Labs
Liver Specialist - MORE TESTING COMING:
I went to see a liver specialist a couple weeks back and they agreed that the cause of my diagnosis is supremely odd considering my good health. They ordered a ton of additional blood tests that were drawn earlier this week and I should have the results within two weeks. In addition to ALT and AST testing, they are also testing for a variety of auto-immune issues that might cause this.
In addition, they suggested I lose weight, despite not being fat. I am about roughly 18% BF at the moment, so I will lose some fat, but I imagine they are throwing that our because that is just what they normally do for this diagnosis. I was told by two docs that 95%+ of the people who have NAFLD are painfully fat. That I am not, nor ever have been.
This is just really effed up.
There is no way for me to prove this, but given my history it is hard to deny the possibility that this condition was a direct result of my first SARMS cycle. Good, bad or ugly.
Could it have been lying in wait? I guess that is a possibility but given the timing, not likely
Could it have been because my diet was not SUPER clean during that cycle? Possibly, but doubtful because outside of a few convenient meals, my diet was healthy.
Could it have been my age? I guess that is a possibility but given the timing, not likely
Not sure and I might never know, BUT….
…there are documented cases of SARMS induced liver issues as laid out in a recent post Dylan put up on how Umbrella Labs Poly Cell formula can bypass the liver (I hope and pray this is true so I can keep using them.)
In my opinion, if it looks like a duck and's a duck.
NOTE: I was taking N2Gaurd the entire first cycle.
BTW…N2Gaurd is now available, but they changed their formula FYI.
Vitamin A dose cut down 70%
Thiamine daily value skewed
Calcium removed
Turmeric Extract replaced by Turmeric Root
Dandelion Root dose increased from 50 - 200mg
Uvas-ursi Leaf Extract compound and concentration changed
Rhodiola Root Extract values changed and dosage increased from 25-100mg
Bacopa Extract dose decreased from 25 - 6.35 mgAcetyl L-Carnitine L-Tartrate HCL changed to L-Carnitine Tartrate
Picroliv Removed & Picrorhiza Root added
Capparis Spinosa dose decreased from 50-5 mg
NAC removed
Milk Thistle dosage decreased from 300 - 75mg
Red Yeast Rice removed
Astragalus Root dosage decreased from 300 - 75mg
After learning more about liver health, I am stunned they removed NAC and do not have Vitamin E in this mix. Vitamin E is one of the only supplements that is proved to improve liver function and repair after multiple double-blind placebo-controlled tests.
Who knows…maybe the new formula is better. Who the hell knows.
Diet is clean as ever right now. I am basically following the Mediterranean diet.
- Little to no saturated fats
- Absolutely no trans fats.
- Monounsaturated fats often
- Polyunsaturated fat often
Lastly, there is an argument to take MK677 or HGH because it reduces fat around the liver(organs) however I do not believe Umbrella Labs carries a polycell MK677 formula.
Curious if anyone here reversed a NAFLD diagnosis.
OK bros…that’s it. Fire away.