What's happening family, my name is Alex I am 35 years old this is my first log so bare with me. I stand at a towering 5'7 and I tip the scale as of RN at 171lbs.Yes, sadly my BMI is high but I assure u it isn't from fat. I have been using gear on and off for around 12 years(although the big majority of that being off) This is a good bit of time and experience you would think but ive only used the same three products."Test, Deca, Tren". I've experimented with mgs but never different substances and tbh the dude who introduced me to the game was a tool who never shared no wisdom or gave any guidance so whatever u guys throw my way will be greatly appreciated. I am a man and can handle constructive criticism(but let's not be dicks now gentlemen ). Current cycle PharmaMix3 *Test E 200 , Nab Dec 200, Tren E 100 *(domestic Supply) 1000mgs week with Winstrol 50mgs daily. I am at the bottom of my first bottle so right at 5 weeks in the Mix and week one of the Wini. Joint pain non-existent and I have tendonitis in my elbow along with old shoulder injury. I no longer lift over 225 instead I use that for the majority of all my lifts(Bench, Squat, Deadlift). My diet definitely needs work, I eat a box of cereal and Gal of milk every other day, I'm not exaggerating sadly.. My dedication to the gym is top of the line if anything I'd say my rest periods need some looking into as well. Strength has already increased quite a bit my 8's are already my 12s benching and I am supersetting all flat bench with sets of no less than ten pullups. I hope I at least got this close to being what u brothers wanted if not get a hold of me and I will correct it. I appreciate the support and commaraderie of the group ur alls caliber is definitely top shelf. Let me know what to change and or do next. × Much Respect