So my wife is 52, 5’4” 162lbs and post menopausal
I have had her on 25mg Test C for the last 6 months and she has only experienced good sides, no more hot flashes, more energy and increased libido. But she hasn’t done much for strength. So my question to the lady users is, can she up her dose a bit and at what dose would we not want to go above to prevent masculinization? She has run an anavar only cycle at 5mg/day and loved it but I won’t let her run it more than 6 weeks With 12 weeks off. Is there anything else she can run with the test? Her goals are weight loss and toning plus strength gains. She is getting ready to run 20 weeks of semiglutide so that should help with the weight loss but what can we do for the toning and strength. Thanks in advance.
I have had her on 25mg Test C for the last 6 months and she has only experienced good sides, no more hot flashes, more energy and increased libido. But she hasn’t done much for strength. So my question to the lady users is, can she up her dose a bit and at what dose would we not want to go above to prevent masculinization? She has run an anavar only cycle at 5mg/day and loved it but I won’t let her run it more than 6 weeks With 12 weeks off. Is there anything else she can run with the test? Her goals are weight loss and toning plus strength gains. She is getting ready to run 20 weeks of semiglutide so that should help with the weight loss but what can we do for the toning and strength. Thanks in advance.