If you want to cycle, you should prepare. We are here to help you prepare and set up your cycle prep but this will require you sharing with the anabolex family by starting a LOGNot starting cycle for a few weeks. Just finished a pct from a previous cycle. Going back on cycle in 3 weeks, given my blood work is in range. I'll be starting a log then.I'm age 33, 6'1 , 205 lb at around 12% bf. This will be my third cycle, so still relatively new to testing these compounds on myself
reminding you how here
link below
Testo e 400 carrier oil para pharma from ug freak
Does anyone know if they changed the carrier oil for testo e 400 from para pharma? Ordered from ug freak recently and got some testo e 400. It's very gold in color. Most of the pictures I have been seeing if the Testo recently, the color looks much clearer than this oil. I was wondering if they...