Also as for the reproductive system issues, as long as they hypogonadism isn't too bad I'll be fine. I have children already and have no issue with relying on Cialis aha.
Does HPTA really get shut down that hard from a couple cycles? I thought it was from progressively overloading the dosage and frequency of steroid cycles over the course of years. Is there a place where I can read well documented effects of steroids on the HPTA system in younger males? Last...
Sounds awesome, but when I checked the price it's like way out of my price range.
I could probably run a full 8 week stack including PCT for 140, but that SARMs stack is mad expensive.
Yeah I think so, the first time I was pinning I felt great for the short period of time that I was on PEDs...
Yeah, the PCT is a must to keep my gains and bounce back to nearly baseline - I'm gonna go hard with it. I heard of this injectable that I forget the name of but it's measured in ius, heard it's great for PCT. Would anyone here happen to know what I'm talking about with such a vague description?
Knowledgeable response, I could definitely see how putting on mass quickly would put strain on my joints, ligaments, and tendons. I've heard that the fast strength gains can also lead to tendon injuries as your tendons don't get affected by anabolics (I'm not too sure how accurate of information...
First off I'm sitting at 6'1, ~135 (I know xdxd its bad)
I'd like to think that I'm relatively knowledgeable on steroids as I've been doing research on PEDs on and off for the last few years. I went to run an 8 week cycle back in 2019 of Test E 200mg/week but I ended up going to jail two weeks...