Before I offer my opinion on a course of action, I am going to ask a question no one seemed to ask yet.
Why do you want to put on muscle? Yeah, I know this is a bodybuilding forum, but that is the most important question. Are you planning on playing a sport? Do you just want to be bigger because you think it's cool and might get laid? Do you want to compete? Do you want to give someone an ass beating?
In my opinion we must all begin with the end in mind.
Example. I did my first cycle (200 pills of Dbol) when I was 20 and a competitive athlete. In order to compete, I had two options. Quit or take PED's. After college my PED usage was for athletics and expanded from there. By the time I was 26 my shoulders were screwed. Would I do it again the same way? No fucking way.
Again, why do you want to put on muscle?