I see a lot of you on here pushing certain supplements and certain steroid source is. My question is what does it matter? I mean at the end of the day Anavar is anavar. the brand shouldn't make any difference
it's like going to the store and buying a steak and paying twice as much. I mean at the...
I am getting acid reflux when i use orals
I start getting heartburn and also I start coughing up phlegm
I tried using both dianabol and anavar and it happens with both steroids
I've tried with food I've tried without food. I've tried with water and I've tried without water. No matter what I do...
I’m gonna be using napsgear on my next cycle and i’m gonna be using anavar oxandrolone and Equipoise
my equipoise those is going to be 600 mg a week
and I'm going to be running 50mgs of anavar
what do you think about this stack from napsgear are they a good seller of theirs products
I'm in the middle of my cycle and I'm craving carbs like crazy
I’m using anavar and testosterone enanthate
I usually have a very low carb diet and this is very difficult right now
can you explain to me why this happens and what it means
I'm 6 ft 2 inches tall and 85kg lb
looking to use anavar/oxandrolone for 6 weeks
What is the best dosage to use in my cycle and which brand from napsgear do you recommend best.
looking for actual first-hand knowledge of the best anavar from them and I don't care about the price
I heard that oxandrolone-anavar Is highly faked
I'm worried about getting a bunch of it and spending all that money and then finding out that I got ripped off halfway through. Can you tell me if you have used geneza pharma BP brand of anavar. if so did you have good results and is it legit in...
Doing my research on both of these steroids it seems like they made counteract each other
Dianabol is a wet steroid while anavar is a dry steroid
however wouldn't it also be possible that they work together as a opposite attract type of thing where they can help each other work better for me...
Evolutionary.org 433 Stacking Turinabol with Dianabol and Testosterone with Anavar.
Looking to do a simple stack of trenbolone and an oral cycle
My choices are:
Trenbolone acetate vs. Trenbolone enanthate
Turinabol vs. Anavar
please help me pick 1 out of each. My goal is strength and size with lower side effects. Also don’t want to get fake orals which geneza is best?
I have been tracking my cycles and I have done 5 so far
the first was 500mg testosterone
the second was 500mg testosterone with dbol
the third was 500mg test with anavar
the fourth was 500mg test with 500mg EQ
what should I run for my next cycle based on this pattern?
I'm curious to know how you guys cut off up anavar oxandrolone dosing
is the half-life of long enough or you can just do sit once a day or do you need to split it where you have to dose twice or three times a day
I'm going to be using 80 mg a day and it would be a lot easier to just split and...
I really like the GP geneza brand so that is what i am gonna go with on my next cycle
I also want to try stacking anavar/oxandrolone and testosterone together.
What kinds of dosages do you recommend for both and does geneza sell good quality var and test or should i look elsewhere?
I’m 44 years old
224 pounds
body fat is 17%
I want to use trenbolone to cut down and get meaner and leaner. I have used it before and have always cut down nicely on it.
Would using it 300mg a week along with anavar be a good stack?
My goal would be getting back down to 10%
I ordered some anavar and testosterone from onlinesteroidusa.com and the tracking said delivered but I got nothing in the mail. I talked to my postman and he doesn’t remember the package or anything. They got mad and said I was cheating them but shouldn’t they be responsible for a lost pack even...
Anyone try geneza pharma anavar/oxandrolone? I have tried anavar a few times and it seems liked it was always fake or something else. One time I even got gyno on it so I figured it was really dbol or anadrol etc. Last time I got no results on it. What do you think about geneza anavar? Good or fake?
this isn’t my first cycle but its been a couple years. I am 29 years old and this is my first time using anavar/oxandrolone. I want to look good on the beach
I’m 5’10’’ and 160 pounds and 8% body fat lean.. I want to stay lean, don’t care about size is 100mg a day anavar too much or should I cut...
stats are 6 ft tall 180 lb and body fat 15%
I want to run anavar/oxandrolone at 50mg a day and help me recomp. what kind of testosterone should I add to it. Should I add testosterone propionate and keep the cycle at 6 weeks or should I do a longer testosterone Esther
body recomposition is the hardest thing you could possibly do in bodybuilding and I understand that. But here's the thing I'm up to the challenge. I was thinking of doing a stack of testosterone cypionate at 300 mg a week and and deca durabolin at 100 mg. I was going to add in anavar oxandrolone...
I heard on the podcast that legit anavar oxandrolone is hard to find and you should always use a top notch source. Is napsgear a source that has the best steroids/gear where I don’t have to worry about getting fake anavar or do you think I should try somewhere else. Who has tried it?
I am doing a bulk cycle with dianabol dbol and anavar oxandrolone. I am doing sustanon250 at 350mg a week. My progress has been great, i went from 65kg up to 80kg with visible abs. My question is do you think 2 mg every other day Arimidex is too high of a dose to combat estrogen. everyone's...