I'm 35 years old and 6 ft tall with 14% body fat
I want to look good that is primarily my goal
my cycle set up so far is going to be
Gw cardarine
what should my dosing be
would I be able to run it for 8 weeks
21 years old
I've trained since I was a teenager
looking to get an extra Edge
I'm currently 215 lb and 6 ft tall
what do you think about using lgd 4033 along with s4/andarine 50mgs a day
How much lgd would work good here?
would 8 weeks be long enough and do I need to run a post Cycle Therapy
I know sarms are slow builders. Is it better to use them 12 weeks or do you need to push 16 weeks for best results?
I have my eye on 3 sarms to use
lgd4033, s4/andarine and yk11
I’m 5’7’’
145 pounds
looking to bulk up but do it smart
I want to recomp where i drop some fat and add muscle. Currently 15% body fat
5 ft10 170 lb
I want to use rad 140, s4/andarine and yk11
I know that these are good ones for this but what kind of dosing should i do and how long to run them?
I'm currently doing 150 mg a week of testosterone which is my trt dose
I am considering doing a steroid cycle and would like to add s4/andarine to it
my goal is strength
would using 100 mg a day of the S4 be worth it?
I’m 27 years old, 5’9’’ 184 pounds
Im’ 5’9’’ and 165 pounds
I have gained about 6 pounds on this cycle so far. I look good too, probably lost 1% body fat
I am doing s4/andarine at 100mgs a day. I am also using lgd4033 and yk11 with it
I'm eating in a 200 to 400 calorie deficit a day
the negatives are I am definitely shut down on...
I have a couple of concerns about using andarine/s4 and I wanted to hear your opinions and have this issue addressed before i spend the money
my first issue is the vision risk. do the side effects go away after you stop or can it be permanent?
my second issue is the amount of fakes that are out...
I'm going to be stacking lgd 4033, rad 140, and s4/andarine all together in this stack
my goals are to get bigger and stronger but I don't want really bad side effects or to screw up my hormones
what kind of side effects can I expect on this in terms of what it will do to my testosterone levels...
I have been on s4/andarine for 2 weeks and it started a few days ago where i would get dizzy vision on it. not sure if this is normal. i already get the yellow tinting at night. I don't want to stop it cause i am getting really good results, up 5 pounds so far
I’m using s4 andarine and dealing with vision issues
I’m also dealing with pain in my right side like a side stitch.
Anyone know what causes these issues and how can i fix it?
I’m am running 100mg a day, i started with 50mg and wasn’t getting results so doubled my dose. Thinking of dropping it...
I've already run lgd 4033 and S4 andarine
my next cycle I want to try something else that's more powerful
I'm currently 12% body fat and I'm 48 years old
I've never had a problem staying clean
my issue though has been building strength and muscle which has always been a struggle
would sarm would...
I'm not seeing a big Improvement so far doing my sarms cycle
I am doing LGD4033 and S4/andarine. I am doing 15mg of each
I started out at 158 pounds and now I am 161 pounds. That is only a 3 pound difference. I weigh myself daily after going to the bathroom in the morning so I know it's not a...
I don't have time to do a log but I want to post up my sarm stack and get some feedback and what you think of this
I'm currently training four times a week
I am going to stack GW cardarine 20mgs a day
SR9009 20mgs a day
S4/andarine 50mgs a day. Love this stuff even though it messes with my sight
Okay so this is weird i am doing 50mg a day of s4/andarine. I'm experiencing some weird Vision issues on this just want to make sure this was normal
when I drive at night and I see your head light I get this weird yellow tint to my vision. Also when I'm going from a room that's well-lit to dark...
Okay so I am 38 years old and I'm on testosterone replacement therapy. I just got on it and I'm running about 150 mg a week of testosterone.
I would like to blast with s4 andarine. I've ran this before and aside from the vision issues I had a really good results. I’m thinking of doing 100mg a...
I'm interested in using S4 andarine as a solo stack sarms run
I'm 5 ft 8 in
150 lb
goal is to gain 12 lb in 12 weeks on the stuff
my interest is getting some strength as well
what do you think about this plan and do I really need to run a post Cycle Therapy after or will I be okay just coming...
30 years old
200 pounds
14% body fat
researching sarms, liking what I am seeing. A bit of a skeptic but willing to try them
ostarine MK 15mg a day
s4 andarine 75mg a day
what kinds of results do you see me getting and are these dosages good?
okay so this is a weird question but want some honest answers. Which sarm out there do you hate the most from your own experiences, which one would you not run again out of these choices and why
gw cardarine
s4 andarine
ostarine MK
MK677 nutrobal
can someone explain why we get vision issues with s4 andarine and is there a chance it is gonna cause permanent blindness?
I have been on it for 10 days and I am starting to get them myself. Using 50mg a day. It happens especially at night and is weird.
I’m around 20% body fat, my trainer estimated somewhere between 18 and 22%
I’m 6 foot tall and 255 pounds
I never used sarms before, but I did use steroids when I was younger. I’m currently 54 years old
I’m looking at using GW cardarine and S4 andarine in my stack.
Would these 2 be good for...