I want to do a simple Trenbolone cycle this will be my first time using it
did a lot of research on it and seems like that acetate would be the best one with it
What do you think about masteron propionate and tren A? Too much injecting EOD?
I’m 5’9’’ 180 pounds and 29 years old
I’m currently on testosterone and dianabol
Doing the testosterone 750mgs per week and the dbol 20-30mgs a day
I am using 1mg total of adex a week split dose
I have gained around 13 pounds. Up to 215 pounds and 5’11’’
do you have any tips to increasing my energy?
What do you think about kickstarting my next cycle this way
My plan is test cyp 500mgs a week, primobolan 500mgs and masteron 350mgs
I want to kickstart with test prop or maybe tren ace. would that be better than using an oral?
I’m 27 years old
4th cycle
206 pounds and 5’7
Looking to try ostarine mk2866 by itself this time
Stats are 50 yrs old, 6’1’’ 188 pounds and 16% body fat
My plan is doing the osta 50mgs a day for 12 weeks
Pct will be GW+ nolva
I’m currently on 500mgs of testosterone propionate
injecting EOD
36 years old
5’10’’ 234 pounds
I’m experiencing a lot of muscle pain when I inject and after for like 1-2 days
the other side I have is a problem with blood pressure and red face.
Any tips?
I am very prone to estrogen issues even though i am lean
My stats are 42 years old, 170 pounds and 11% body fat
Even trt dosages of testosterone make my nipples itchy
I want to run things that don’t cause estrogen
Would this work okay?
Primobolan 400mgs a week
Trenbolone 150mgs a week
I just spent a bunch of money buying primobolan
I’m gonna try this out and see how it goes
I want to make sure that I have everything on point
My goals are lean mass and fat loss
I’m gonna run it 500mgs a week as my starting dose. Should i increase it or decrease from there?
I’m 31 years old...
Right now i am around 170 pounds and 5’6’’
I used steroids for 5 years before quitting them. Now I am ready for more
I’m 45 years old
I want to look better in the mirror. Don’t care about strength too much but that would be nice too
I have testosterone in mind but which ester would work best and...
what is the proper way to use dbol dianabol?
If I did 50mgs a day would I need an AI ? Or should I be okay since I am not
using testosterone with it
I was thinking of going 5 weeks and seeing what happens
I’m 30 years old
6’1’’ 185 pounds
Setting up my winter bulk with napsgear right now
So far I have anadrol, deca, and testosterone
What else do i need?
Will winstrol do anything for me or should i save it?
I’m gonna be doing napsgear cycle
I’m doing 250mgs a week sustanon which is 1CC
What else would you recommend i use with it?
Anavar oxandrolone 50mgs a day for 6 weeks
And i want to stack some anadrol too.
Would 2 orals be too much?
Hell yeah i had a really good cycle
I ran their trenbolone 500mgs a week solo
What a great cycle!
I put on about 15 pounds of mass and i added like 30 pounds of strength on each of my major lifts
I am currently doing 750mgs a week of sustanon250. 3 ML’s total and injecting it
3x per week
I am dealing with a lot of water retention. I’m not using anything else and not running supplements with it either
I’m 5’6’’ and 165 pounds when I started. Now I am 182 pounds
I also feel lethargic and I...
I'm trying to diagnose what is going on on my current TRT and cycle program
My trt is 200mgs a week from my doctor
I’m also using a cycle during my trt. Doing 50mgs a day winstrol and also 250mgs a week of primobolan
my issue is my joints are hurting me. I’m in my late 40’s and i’m not that...
So this is weird
I’ve been on testosterone 500mgs a week. I posted on my calendar what days to inject and it was twice a week on the dot. Well every 3.5 days actually
Whats weird is i started the cycle 9 weeks ago and i’m already out of the gear
Do you think that is from injecting a little too...
So I am debating between to deliver aids to get from my cycle
One product is called liverMD and costs $30 and has 4.8 star rating online
The other is called liverite and costs like $13 and has a 4.6 star rating
Which one do you think would be better for me
what would you rank as your favorite steroids of all time and worst steroids for
libido and erectile strength
can you rank which cycles were your best and worst and be honest
I’m talking just on cycle, not counting pct
I’m 45 years old, 5’11’’ 155 pounds
just got divorced
want to start dating...
I'm late getting this Log started, been running for almost 3 weeks now.
1st week I didn't have all my gear yet so I ran:
- 400 mg/wk Test
- 200 mg/wk Deca
- 500 mg/wk EQ
- 60 mg/day Var
Week 2:
- 500 mg/wk Test
- 200 mg/wk Deca
- 1000 mg/wk EQ
- 75 mg/day Dbol (running 8 weeks)
I have AI...
I am planning my next cycle using nandrolone phenylpropionate NPP 400-500mgs a week
I was wondering if you can give me a hand and tell me what is the best product to use
I’m 37 years old, 5’11’’ and 178 pounds with 15% body fat
My question is how much test should i use and how much of an AI will...
I am doing 1500mgs a week of sustanon250. That is a lot but my trainer recommended that
I’m 30 years old 5’6’’ 170 pounds and this is my first cycle
He didn’t mention i use an AI
Doing research on line it seems like it would be a good idea that I use one. How much of it do I need to use and...