Dianabol seems like the perfect steroid for me
I want to Put on a lot of size
My question is how much size would be okay to put on in one cycle without getting a lot of problems with my heart.
I currently have high blood pressure. But i am skinny
Should I start off with a small dose of maybe 20...
I have been tracking my cycles and I have done 5 so far
the first was 500mg testosterone
the second was 500mg testosterone with dbol
the third was 500mg test with anavar
the fourth was 500mg test with 500mg EQ
what should I run for my next cycle based on this pattern?
I am a strength athlete and I do a lot of power lifting exercises. My goals are strength and power but I can't find much information on which wall is best to give me keepable games. I don't want to just improve my strength and then lose it all when I come off. If you had to choose between...