wondering about how fast I can expect to get my order when I order from domestic supply.
Also which testosterone would you recommend for me?
Basically I’m looking to do self trt going forward as it’s becoming too expensive and too time-consuming to continuously have to go to the doctor and get...
I see there are a lot of options at domestic Supply when it comes to trenbolone and masteron.
This will be the first time I’ve stacked them together and I would like to get the most out of them.
Any suggestions when it comes to which Esther’s I should go for and should I pick a blend or should I...
Wondering what you guys thought about domestic Supply injectables and how good a quality they are.
I’m about to try several of their products including their test, Mast, and equipoise. Want to make sure their quality with the injectables are as good as their orals.
I plan on running this cycle...
I have seen many good reviews on domestic supply, but I can’t seem to find any on EU-domestic but they are the same right? Most online sites don’t offer guaranteed delivery in Scandinavian countries but EU domestic doesn’t say anything about that. I would rather drive all the way to Germany and...
Curious they hear your experiences using domestic Supply and ordering stuff on their website.
Made the mistake on my last cycle of not covering all bases when it came to having everything on hand for both cycle and post cycle. Don’t want to make this mistake again but I need a source that has...
Heard a lot of good things about domestic Supply and how fast they seem to ship their products.
It seems to be a little over the top with people claiming that they ship out their products within a few days and it gets to them in a few days after that seems too good to be true. The last time I’m...
After two bad experiences using other sources I decided to go with domestic Supply this time.
I’m happy to say that I’m glad I did!
My experience has been fantastic from start to finish. I got my products quicker than I anticipated and I quickly jumped on cycle and I’ve been on for the past...
I’m surfing the domestic Supply website and several the items that I’m interested in are out of stock.
I was wondering if you could give me any ETA on when some of these items will be back. For example there are only three or four options with some of the orals and injectables and four or five...
this is my 2nd time using DS. They are fantastic. Always excellent customer service and I’m shocked at how fast they ship out their products. They actually ship their products before they even get you a tracking number that’s how fast it is. High quality products as well. ordering process is...
looking for experience users who have used domestic supply trenbolone!
what do you recommend I use the acetate or their enanthate and any particular brand you recommend from them?
right now I am trying to bulk up and I would like to stack some testosterone with it. I already have their test cyp...
I'm very interested in trying out equipoise again
I have done it before with a lot of good success and experiences with it. but I never ran it at either the 300 or the 500 mg per milliliter dosage
my question is how is the post injection pain with either product? Would be wonderful of course to...
was looking for a source that was very quick and that was domestic as well. I've had several different packages seized by Customs I think I'm just unlucky with that sort of thing. they were very fast to send me a confirmation after I made the order and the package once it was shipped took about...
domestic Supply is a really good source based on the reviews that I've read so I want to give them a shot. the issue is their website is very overwhelming for a newbie
I'm just looking to pick up some testosterone and run it for 10 weeks. there are so many different choices types and brands that...
I've now ordered from domestic Supply eight times and every time it has been an excellent interaction
shipping arrival time
10 out of 10 across the board.
also their reps that they have on the forums are extremely on top of things and always helping out which I...
This review is for domestic supply trenbolone acetate, test prop and masteron prop
Ran all 3 together
Went into it at 12% body fat, now I’m down to 9%
Was 208 pounds and now went to 215 pounds.
So up 7 pounds in mass and down 3% in body fat. people are coming up to me and asking me what the heck...
I’m looking to use domestic supply this time. Can the reps give me a cycle plan that i can explore and make a decision on?
I’m looking at equipoise, primobolan, testosterone, and maybe trenbolone
I’m looking at lean gains but not sure which one to pick that domestic supply sells that is really...
Those of you who have used domestic Supply over the years can you tell me which steroids from them have you had the most success with when it comes to cutting?
I've been working hard at cutting down and I'm now down to 13% body fat. my dream is to get below 10% and I'm looking really hard at...
I’m looking at the domestic supply website.
Let me explain what i want to get and I am in the good ole’ USA
I want it fast and safe to get delivered to me
What do you recommend i get from domestic supply for bulking out of the following they have?
I’m 165 pounds and 5’6’’, looking to put on...
some of their blends including tri tren and their test blend options. I really liked their sustanon, it is high quality and pharmacy grade quality. I scanned the barcodes and they are the legit brand i ordered. Price was also dirt cheap for the high performance of the products. great service and...
overall i’m happy with the products i have ordered from this source. They Are very fast to shift and when it gets delivered it's like Christmas over again. I will definitely order from them again my favorite thing about them is the quality gear and also how easy it is to order straight off their...