so I'm a 28 year old Doing my second cycle ever. I am going to do 400 mg a week of equipoise and 500 mg a week of testosterone
my full stats are 6 ft 1 in and 188 pounds. I'm pretty lean around 12% body fat. my question is should I lower the testosterone dose and update EQ do so a little bit or...
my cycle right now that I'm on:
testosterone cypionate 500mg
EQ equipoise 600 mg
50 mg proviron per day
My stats are:
240 pounds
29 years old
16% body fat
I am 8 weeks into this and I am leaning out and getting good muscle gains. But I feel like things are stalling. What...
I'm looking to lean bulk this cycle. I'm 27 years old, 5 foot 6 and 170 pounds. I'm only 10% body fat. my plan is a 12 week cycle running these three together: what do you think about this plan
Equipoise EQ 700mg a week
Trenbolone 300mg a week
testosterone cypionate 500mg a week
I also have HCG...
I'm using a carrier oil that my source says is grape seed. I don't think I've ever used this type of carrier oil before but it's giving me some red bumps when I'm injecting. It's nothing painful or serious. My question is though is it okay for me to continue using it or does it cause any type of...