I'm looking just to do a Trenbolone solo cycle
I'm 6 ft 2 in
227 lb
15% body fat
I don't want my body fat going any higher and I hate getting any type of water retention so I'm going to use this tren alone by itself
Is 300mg a week good? should I add Maybe something else to it that doesn't cause...
I'm looking to put on some strength but my body fat is a little heavier than what you guys would probably approve
I’m at 20% body fat
My goals are to add 40-60 pounds to my big lifts like bench press, squat and rows.
I weigh 270 lbs and I'm over 6 ft tall
I've always been more of a powerlifter...
I need to know the best ways to lose fat when using cardarine GW501516
I’m currently 30% body fat give or take
I’ve never been under 20% in my life as an adult atleast
Should i run it 50mg a day for best results? And for how long?
How should be my diet be?
Ever since I was a kid we would eat a lot of sweets during holiday season. My uncle gave me a christmas gift where there were chocolates per day and i would eat them all in 1 sitting lol
and then on Christmas day there's a lot of pies and other sweets. my grandma used to make six different types...
So my friend hook me up with a bottle of n2slin for my birthday
They said this stuff works great and to take it as directed
my question is how does the stuff actually work for fat loss and what is the most optimal way to take it if I am an overweight person trying to lose weight
I am going to run my next cycle to get bulked up a little bit
I'm currently 225 lb and 12% body fat. I don't mind putting on a little fat on this cycle cause i have room
I'm one week into using DNP. I was using 100mg twice a day and today upped the dosage to 200mgs twice a day. the only thing I feel so far is some warm hands and my face is red. Other than that I'm not getting any fat loss on it. not even sweating much either. Do you think that it is bunk or do...
I was reading the Forum and they were saying that sr9009 actually shrinks fat cells because what happens is you don't lose the number of fat cells you have but the fat cells just become smaller and smaller. Sr9009 actually helps the expenditure of energy and stimulates more fat loss. would you...