Okay so my first time using geneza pharma products i had no clue what i was doing and i screwed it all up. My diet was bad and my training was all over the place
This time i got everything on point. My results have been outstanding
Doing winstrol with some primobolan. Up 5 pounds and cut down hard
I’m doing
GP Oxan
GP test cyp
GP Tren E
I’m 10 weeks into cycle. I am cutting off the Tren and staying on the anavar and test for another 3 weeks
I'm seeing some major changes to my physique and I look like and feel like a million bucks
Check out my 2 stack cycle from geneza
I’m gonna be doing
Testosterone enanthate 400mgs a week
Turinabol tbol 25mgs a day
12 weeks total
What do you think?
I did my first ever geneza order and it went pretty well
I got some of their testosterone, sustanon, trenbolone and proviron
I did a 12-week cycle and I look so much better in the mirror. I ended up putting around 10 to 12 lb on but it wasn't anybody fat at all
Just got my geneza GP brand trenbolone in the mail a couple weeks ago
I saved 50% off during their sale!
I started that night and already i can feel the changes on this stuff.
I am so happy will use again
I have a question about using geneza injectables
There are several steroids that are supposed to be really toxic to inject, like dirty steroids
One of them is trenbolone and the other is halo. My question is which one is injectable and are they safe to use from geneza?
When others are eating cereal and pancakes for breakfast I am eating dianabol and anavar lol
Geneza products are the breakfast of champions for me
I like to consume them and then go to my gym and get in a good workout
been working good for me getting a lot of strength this way
I haven’t used steroids since the pandemic so its been a little while
Looking to get back on the bandwagon as soon as possible because I have been killing it in the gym and I need steroids to take me to Next Level again
I used to use geneza, just want to make sure they are still as good as they...
I got blood work done on their products and everything came in perfect. They are dosed to perfection and i will use again. great results in a short time. ordering is easy they had my stuff shipped within a week. delivery and packaging was good it arrived on time and well packaged. ordered anavar...
can you shed some light on if it's safe to order from geneza pharma and get it delivered to my home or should i try another shipping method?
Also do they have an option where you can order it it had the shipping expedited
I have been using 200 mg a week of trenbolone acetate
I went from 200 pounds to 212, up 12 pounds
I look like a different person in the mirror.
I would have to say this is the most potent tren I've ever used
I learned today reading on the forums how important it is to order from an approved source
my question is if geneza pharma is an approved brand or not?
if so where are you supposed to buy it from. I've read a lot of good reviews on it and know its good based on the bloods.
looks like I found my future brand and source to use
Geneza is the cream of the crop
after I place my order it was in the mail before I even could log in to my account lol
I checked my mailbox no joke after 3 days and it was there.
Package was sealed perfectly and everything came in perfect.
I'm using three different injectables from geneza pharma
Doing primobolan, equipoise and sustanon
I'm mixing at least two when I do my injections in the same syringe and then injecting as I was told to do. Not experiencing any post-injection pain to any degree. It's working well so far. This is...
Geneza pharma has some of the most amazing gear you will find anywhere
My cycle just got completed and it was 12 weeks
no joke I went from 170 lbs up to 195 lb. Also my lifts all went up sky high
Very happy with these products. Will wait till their next sale to buy more
I love geneza products
they are now my official go to place and I have been recommending them to
everyone at my gym
not only are the products top of the line but their service is also excellent
I am currently up 10 pounds on my current cycle so feel blessed
Geneza pharma gets an A from me and I am a picky grader
I would give them 9 out of 10 for ordering
10 out of 10 for products. One of the best brands i have used
8 out of 10 for service as i didn’t need to contact them
And overall 9.5/10
I am very surprised at how good geneza pharma is
They are on top of their game every time
They have clear cut directions on payment options
Once you pay they have it out the door fast
And their products are very good
There is always a guarantee of quality products and service from geneza pharma
my recent experience was no different. The products are flawless, i got enough for a hefty trenbolone and testosterone cycle. getting endless energy and epic strength boost.
2nd order from geneza pharma
I am very excited for this one
I ordered enough equipoise for 15 weeks, i’m gonna stack in Some testosterone with it
I am 5 weeks into this and I'm already seeing the vascularity in the mirror and also the strength increase. I'm going to finish things off with some...