I’m 5’10” and 185 lbs
28 years old and I would like to cut down a little bit of body fat while also gaining weight
I know this will be hard but I plan on lifting at least five times a week and really busting my ass with cardio
I’m interested in using three different sarms
and a...
I’m spending about 600 or $700 on my next sarms stack
its gonna be a mix of s4, lgd and gw. A big 16 week cycle.
I want to take a full advantage of it and get the most results
what’s a good supplement that you recommend that I use with it?
I’m 28 years old and I am approximately 225 lbs and 22% body fat
looking to use this ACP I got with gw501516 and lgd4033
my plan is this:
ACP 15mgs a day
GW 20mgs a day
LGD 10mgs a day
8 weeks.
Then extending GW another 4 weeks at 25mgs a day.
Is this a good plan for cutting and recomp?
I’m hoping that I can have some improvements on my next cycle using sarms
want General improvements to my physique I’m 170 lbs and 6’1” and 22 years old
the three ones I want to Target are using lgd 4033, GW 501516, and perhaps S4
my plan is this:
gw 20mgs/day
lgd 10mgs a day
s4 75mgs a day
I’m completely new to the world of sarms and I’m pretty new when it comes to weight training
although I’ve always played Sports ever since I was a kid and I’ve been very active and athletic
my current stats are 6’1” 170 lbs and I do have some muscle on my frame but I would like to increase it...
I’m looking to use something that I could stack to give me more size. Looking at doing some lgd4033 and possibly some rad140 or s23.
I’m 24 years old and I’m 5’8” 190 lbs. Would like to push over 200 lbs but also stay lean I’m about 17% body fat
what do you recommend?
I’m 27 years old and I’m 172 lbs and 6’1” I have room to bulk up but I want to do it the right way
I’ve heard that sarms can work well for lean bulking. The 2 I had in mind are rad140 and lgd4033.
I want to use 20mgs a day of each for 12 weeks.
My question is what else can I add to this if I...
I’m looking to put together a good bulking stack using rad140 and lgd 4033
how much of each do you recommend?
I was thinking of doing 20 mg of each for 12 weeks but if I did that would I need to increase the amount of volume on doing in the weight room
I’m currently doing about 20 sets per...
I’m looking to change up my cycle with sarms. Right now I’m 23 years old but I’m about to turn 24 and I’m around 188 Pounds and I would like to cut down and also add some muscle mass.
My previous sarm cycle was lgd and gw501516.
Wasn’t that impressed with the cycle so I like to change things up...
I’m 24 years old and this is the first time I’ve even thought about using anything that’s a performance enhancer
looking for advice on using sarms I’m 190 lbs and I’m around 15% body fat
we’d like to really help myself in the gym get more energy and get more endurance
a friend of mine suggested...
was using 99purity for 8 weeks. Using 20mgs a day of lgd4033
had a friend test the products out who owed me a favor. He said it was 20% lgd and 80% fillers.
No wonder I wasn’t getting any results. There is no telling how many people these guys have scammed over the years selling counterfeit...
I’ve been on a gw501516 and lgd4033 stack for the past 5 weeks so far. I have 5 more weeks until my bottles run out.
Been making slow and steady gains so far on 20mgs a day of each.
I’ve gone from 207 lbs up to 210 lbs and I’ve also cut down a little bit. I’m 28 years old and this is my first...
oh I know a lot of people like to use sarms to cut down but I want to do the opposite I’m a skinnier guy who wants to bulk on them.
I’m 24 years old and I’m currently 155 lbs and 6 ft tall
The 3 sarms I want to try are s23, s4 and lgd.
Do you recommend I run all three together and should I do 25...
Looking to put on some lean muscle mass and cut down at the same time
I’m 24 years old and I’m 5’10” and around 200 lbs
I’m excited to try sr9009, lgd4033 and rad140 together.
My stack will look like this:
sr 20mgs a day
lgd 10mgs a day
rad 15mgs a day
pct: clomid, nolva, hcg.
Is there anything...
First my stats I’m a very modest guy with average build I’m around 212 lbs and 6’3”. my body fat is probably 18 to 22% body fat so it’s not that bad but it’s not good either
main goals are just to improve my physique
what are your thoughts on this full 8 week cycle of sarms?
4 weeks lgd4033...
I’m a college student I’m looking to use sarms for the first time ever
the two sarms that I’m most interested in are going to be lgd4033 and s23 of course
those two are the most popular sarms that are being used on campus and a lot of guys are getting really huge and big on them.
Also saw that...
I’m new to the PED world. Read a lot of stuff about mk677 and heard it works good for size. I’m 6’1’’ 175 pounds and want to get bigger from here. I train at a pretty hardcore gym and see some big MOFO’s around me all the time who are strong.
Should I run 50mgs of the mk677 and some lgd? Would...
I’m looking to improve my muscle mass and improve my workouts. Currently training five times a week I’m 218 pounds and six foot four inches tall
lgd4033 sounds like a very good sarm. Want to use that with yk11. Last cycle only ran yk11 by itself with minimal results.
Want to run 10mgs a day of...
I’m doing 200mgs test cyp for the entire year.
Now I want to add in sarms.
Gonna be doing lgd, and RAD. What other sarms go good with this much test?
A friend said that I should increase the testosterone dosage higher I would get more results
basically I’m looking for low side effects but lean...
I’m curious about learning more about my nutrobal and lgd stack and improving it. I’m 4 weeks into the cycle and my results are meh, not too good.
My options are currently either increasing the dosages to 25mgs of nutrobal and 50mgs of lgd in a stack. Also curious about adding in s23 or S4 as...