I’m gonna be doing a 7 day fast which i might extend longer up to 14 days
Would like to use sarms with it. Question is if i do that will it break my fast?
I've been online and researched this for days and I keep getting conflicting information
also when it comes to muscle loss with running the...
New to sarms, but have used pro hormones before. My training is 4x per week, with 2 days a week of cardio
I’m looking to use lgd4033 20mgs a day
Its gonna be a strong sarms stack i know
Also looking to add in some gw cardarine to it to help with endurance
Would 30mgs of GW be enough?
I’m 6’1’’...
I picked up 4 bottles of lgd 4033
I'm going to run it at about 20 mg a day
right now I am around 200 lbs but I want to get leaner. I’m 25 years old but my metabolism isn't that great. I would say my body fat is in the 20s
has anyone tried a cycle like this and what were your results
21 years old
I've trained since I was a teenager
looking to get an extra Edge
I'm currently 215 lb and 6 ft tall
what do you think about using lgd 4033 along with s4/andarine 50mgs a day
How much lgd would work good here?
would 8 weeks be long enough and do I need to run a post Cycle Therapy
22 years old
150 pounds
I was wondering if it was normal when I take a dose of sarm's for it to taste different each time.
sometimes when I take it it tastes like fruit, other times it tastes like stringy, and others like a gel
I'm using lgd 4033 and running it 15 mg a day. I am on day 4...
10 years ago when sarms first came around I can remember lgd 4033 was the one everybody recommended.
Now it seems like there are other options in a lot of people aren't using it anymore.
would you say it is still something that someone should use if they want to bulk up or are there better ones...
I'm 50 years old
5 ft 7 in
170 lb
I have a little belly on my frame but nothing too much and I think that my muscles are a bit leaner
my plan is going to be lgd 4033 at 15 mg a day
I also want to stack in cardarine gw501516 20mg a day
should I do this for 8 weeks or do I need to push it more to...
I have been on LGD4033 and Ostarine MK2866 for the past few weeks and my test levels are at 250 after 3 weeks on
before I started using them it was twice that number
what in the world is going on here? I thought were not supposed to be suppressive and look at where my numbers are
just as the title says I'm looking to stack rad 140 and lgd 4033
I'm currently 170 lb
want to get maybe 5 to 10 lb of good quality Mass over the next 16 weeks
what kind of dosing would help me get there and how many bottles of each would I need to order to make sure I had enough to go the whole time
6 ft 2 in
220 lb
13% body fat
what I have on hand is rad 140, lgd 4033, nutrobal MK 677
should I run all of these at 25 mg a day or is there a different ratio you're supposed to use them at my goal is to put on a bunch of bulk maybe 10 or 12 lb