What is the best way to stack masteron and trenbolone together if I want to recomp?
I’m 27 years old. Using steroids for the past 7 years. Seriously want to make it far in bodybuilding and already have 100K followers on instagram.
5’10’’ 218 pounds and 11% body fat. I want to get leaner and get...
hey I’m in my late 40’s, 5’9’’ 175 pounds and around 16% body fat
looking to do a stack of primo, masteron and testosterone next go around
my plan is this:
500mgs primo
250mgs masteron E
250mgs test E or cyp (does it matter lol?)
What do you think about this plan for a recomp?
42 years old, 5’9’’ 189 pounds
so I started using steroids hoping I would get some good results from my cardio
I’m huffing and puffing on steroids though when I try cardio post my weight training
what can I do to remedy this ?
I’m using tren 300mgs a week, masteron 250mgs a week, and...
my last stack was a cutter stack. Getting lean and getting ripped is my goal this time again. I’m getting there. Now down to 217 pounds and 6’2’’
I’m 30 years old and I haven’t been under 200 pounds since I was in high school
seeking my high school weight and physique and getting to seven or...
five foot seven inches
184 pounds
somewhere around 15 percent body fat
4th cycle
more muscle and less fat
14 week cycle
my plan is this:
EQ 500mgs a week
test 250mgs a week
Tren 200mgs a week
Masteron or winstrol (help with this)
5 day split routine, 5x per week. 2...
First time using masteron in my lifetime
got the geneza pharma masteron enanthate. Injected it 500mgs a week for 12 weeks alongside some testosterone I also got from geneza
I had no clue what to expect but when I flex in the mirror my vascularity is crazy and I have some huge muscle mass
I’m so...
I’m looking to do a simple testosterone and either masteron or winstrol
looking for some hardening benefits and tightening of my muscles
I have a good frame in my body fat is at 12% but my muscles look too fluffy for some reason
I do eat a lot of carbs so I think that might be one of the reasons...
I was wondering what kind of supplements would be good to use on a steroid cycle to help with dht side effects
I’m worried about a few things
hair loss
prostate issues
skin problems
this will be the first time I mess with winstrol and masteron
Decided to go the very aggressive route with geneza pharma
ordered their GP test cyp, GP tren ace, and GP masteron
500mgs of each
has been an exciting ride I’m on week 10 body fat is down body mass index is up
also strength is way up
side effects aren’t that bad as I thought they would be. This...
gonna be doing a 3 steroid stack of NPP, test E and masteron
pretty sure I want to do the simple 250 test and 500mg masteron per week strategy
my dosing on the NPP is where I need the help from you all on here
I’m looking to bulk up and get more ripped/hard too
I’m also open to switching around...
What do you think about stacking some testosterone and masteron as a first cycle?
I’m 28 years old and I am 5 foot 10
I weigh about 195 pounds
would like to push another 10 pounds on my frame but also harden up
was thinking about doing some testosterone along with the mast
what kind of ratio...
I’m interested in setting up my third cycle and need some help with getting it set up
the steroids I’m interested in using our test prop, tren ace, and maybe masteron
looking to keep dosages mild I don’t want too many side effects
want to take things to the next level
30 years old
Looking to stack something with testosterone on my second cycle
but I would like to stack something dry because I don’t want much water retention
my first cycle I had way too much bloat and my face turned very puffy wasn’t the look I was looking for
want to do testosterone again, but this time...
I’m about 1 week from finishing my geneza pharma stack
really excited that I was able to put on 12 pounds of lean mass
Everyone says I look leaner as well
used trenbolone, masteron, and anavar as a kickstart
will definitely be back to use their gear again it’s high quality
my Prime goal is to cut down and I would like to use a steroid stack which includes both winstrol and masteron together
I’m 235 lbs eighteen percent body fat and 6 foot 1 inches
38 years old and trying to get rid of my dad bod
question is how much testosterone would you use with them to get me...
The 2 steroids I am super interested in using is masteron and trenbolone
I think I will go with enanthate versions of both
I’m in my mid-30s and I am 216 pounds and 6 foot 2 inches
my main objective is to run an efficient cycle with low side effects
with that said would you recommend 300 mg of...
I’m currently 37 years old and I’ve run about 5 Cycles over the past few years
up to 215 pounds and 5 foot 10 inches
I held off on using Tren because I know it’s really a top-tier steroid and I wanted to work my way up to it
now my question is about using tren with masteron
should I elect to run...
Looking to cut or recomp
I’m 34 years old, I’m 5 foot 10 inches and I weigh 190 pounds.
Body fat is around 13%.
I’m hoping I can get my body fat under 10% and really shred up.
My plan is 300mgs of tren
500mgs of masteron
Question is, should I run propionate or should I run enanthate?
Also, How...
I'm looking to do something a little bit different and go in bulk into my show coming up in 3 months
so this is going to be a 12-week cycle for me
I'm currently 28 years old 5'10 and 160 lb. my body fat is 7%, so I have room
The stack i want to try is:
Deca 300mgs a week
Anavar 100mgs a day...