I’m not in the best of shape, like when I try to jog around the neighborhood I have a hard time not stopping and walking the rest of the way.
Used to be in good shape but have fallen off the wagon. 38 years old 240 pounds and six foot tall.
Would sarms be okay for me to use?
Gotta I give umbrella two thumbs up for selling fantastic sarms products.
Their GW and SR is on point. So easy to take this stuff doesn’t taste bad at all unlike others that I’ve used in the past. Doesn’t upset my stomach which is huge because I like to take them before I do a lot of Endurance...
my normal test levels Are in the 80s, yes that is as bad as an old person. But I’ve been able to function pretty good even at that test level, however where it hits home is I struggle to put on any muscle mass or strength.
This is why I would like to try sarms. Keep in mind I am 52 years old...
wondering if you thought my three month sarm cycle was a success or not.
I did 8 weeks of RAD + LGD. Then I finished the last 4 weeks with YK11 + S23.
Went and got tested and my body fat went from 13% to 11.5%, my body weight went from 172 to 177.
currently 24 years old. I want to make sure I...
looking for some quick advice on sarms that I should consider on my next cycle.
Stats are 6’1’’ 270 pounds and I’ve got a belly on me.
want to turn my dad bod into a beach bod if that makes sense.
Suggest some options for me. I’m currently in my 30’s and it would be cool to get that nice look I...
Not much information out there on how long to take in between a sarm cycle
let’s say you do a 12-week cycle like I did which was lgd 10mgs a day and gw 20mgs a day. Because gw isn’t suppressive but lgd is a bit how long would you say I have to wait in between before I can fire up another one...
stats: 5’9’’ 67kg, 23 years old
time for me to try out RAD and GW together
using 20mgs a day of each
my plan is using them for 8 weeks each
would you recommend I try them longer but do a lower dose? Like would 10mgs each be better for 16 weeks instead?
just a fair warning to never use chemyo sarms
they are not good people at all
I’ve been on their GW, LGD and RAD for 12 weeks and haven’t seen any sort of benefits at all
the only thing that I have noticed is that my heart rate is higher by about five or ten points
I’m concluding that this stuff...
so been Struggling to get under 15% body fat for many years
I’m hoping you can give me some advice
looking to use GW and SR at minimum
throwing drugs and other things at my body is something I’m willing to do to achieve my dreams
currently 220 pounds and six foot two my goal would be to get to...
I’m 4 weeks into a sarms stack of nutrobal 25mgs a day and s23 20mgs a day
not seeing as much results as I hoped. I’m up 5 pounds which to some is probably good but I’m only 155 pounds and 6’1’’ so I feel like I should be up a lot more
do you think I should add more sarms to this cycle or do you...
I’m 8 weeks away from a wedding and I’m gonna be seeing a lot of people from high school and college I haven’t seen in a while. Back then I was The Jock that was in great shape so it’s embarrassing that I’m now 250 pounds and out of shape
looking to do a fast sarms cutting cycle
my plan is:
I’m currently in my late twenties and I’m eager to try out yk11
I’m looking for the best dosage for my goals which are to gain more muscle mass because I am a hard Gainer
my current stats are a hundred and forty pounds and five foot 11
I’m eating in a surplus but I just can’t gain anything
if I...
38 years old
5’9’’ 180 pounds
I’m looking to use sarms purely for training purposes
I do weight training, high intensity cardio and lots of swimming. Want to get benefits across those 3 areas with sarms
I’ve heard good things about recovery with ostarine, that one sounds good. What about using...
for sure warrior labs sarms are fake and are very scammish
used their GW501516 and did 20mgs a day
every time I would eat something I would break out in a sweat
also my endurance took a nose dive. I did not lose weight either, in fact I gained weight which was weird
I would not recommend these...
I’m a shorter guy 5’5’’ and used to wrestle in high school
now I’m just trying to get more athletic and push myself to improve my muscle size and strength
my weight is only 160 pounds but I have some lean muscle on my frame. I would like to build more medium sized muscle mass and get bigger
what is the best way to get gains using sarms?
My goal is shooting to gain 10 pounds
is this gonna take 2 cycles? 3 cycles?
22 years old and I’m lean right now 155 pounds and 5’11’’.. I have room to grow and fill out
just graduated college and taking a few months off before applying for jobs
anyone try high intensity training while actually on sarms?
I am the type of person who takes pre workouts and goes crazy during my workouts and sweats out buckets
I like to workout 6x a week and it really makes me feel good
which sarms are most effective for this type of training?
about 5 years ago I ran RAD for the first time. Got some really good results and was pleased with it
this time I decided to try it again and run 10mgs a day. Previously I had done only 5mgs a day
I have some questions about it
do you think my side effects will be worse at that dosage and you...
made a big order with warrior labs sarms
1 of my packs is still missing
I reached out to them to see what the deal was and they said that they would ship it tomorrow
it’s been a week since then and still nothing has gotten to me, gonna just call this a loss and move on sick of dealing with...