I'm 35 years old
never used Trenbolone before
I'm seeking some tips as to what you recommend the ratio be of trenbolone vs. testosterone but in my situation it's different because I'm going to be using propionate and acetate esters.
I like doing Shorter esters and I don't mind injecting daily...
I'm interested in trying winstrol and trenbolone together
a buddy of mine just ran it for 8 weeks and he looks amazing. He cut up very nicely but he said he had a lot of side effects
I was thinking of doing 500mg a week tren with 100mg a day winstrol together
do you think that's too high or do...
I’ve been on geneza pharma gear for the past 6 weeks
I’m doing trenbolone enanthate 200mg a week and anavar 50mg a day.
My gains are as follows:
Bench press up 45 pounds
Squat up 60 pounds
Curls up 20 pounds
This is definitely a game-changer for me
someone told me that HGH and trenbolone were great together if you want to really bulk up.
I'm currently 6 ft 1 in in 168 lb
My body fat is lean under 10%
my issues is my legs just don't have a lot of meat on them. My upper body though is pretty muscular for my size.
what would be the dosage of...
I’m currently doing a testosterone propionate cycle and some trenbolone with it
I plan on doing this 8 weeks. Would be great if I could add in some sarms to this. Maybe 1 or 2 sarms would be smart? I was leaning towards cardarine gw or maybe sr9009?
If so what dose? Goal is recomp
I got a few products from them last year so I ordered a 2nd time. The oil is always clean and smooth.
I give them an A in Communication
Delivery & Packaging again A all the way
Products Ordered were tren, eq
my last cycle I gained about 10 pounds clean, amazing
I'm looking just to do a Trenbolone solo cycle
I'm 6 ft 2 in
227 lb
15% body fat
I don't want my body fat going any higher and I hate getting any type of water retention so I'm going to use this tren alone by itself
Is 300mg a week good? should I add Maybe something else to it that doesn't cause...
I’m using napsgear products right now for the first time
I've got their Trenbolone, turinabol, and their testosterone going.
after five weeks on this stuff on the strongest I've ever been in my life. I'm also the biggest.
can't ask for anything more this is some great gear here. Transforming...
Evolutionary.org Episode 457 Gym equipment and 150mg of Trenbolone per week.
I was wondering how steroids can affect hair, both body hair and head hair
I’m planning on a masteron cycle which is going to be mast prop
100mg EOD
And then i want to add in some testosterone and maybe trenbolone?
I’m 32 years old
166 pounds
they are great at shipping out products quickly and they products are the best you will find. My test that I was using came in highly dosed perfect
Communication & Ordering process was within 24 hours
Delivery & Packaging was clean and anonymous
Products Ordered - tren, test, letro, eq...
hello my friends it is time for me to get a bulking cycle going
I have 12 vials of Trenbolone that I had ordered in bulk when a discount. I did not use any yet because I didn't feel like I was ready. But now a year later I feel like it's time for me to get on it
I'm going to be using 500 mg a...
I am doing a large steroid cycle that I copied off of a bodybuilder stack i read online
It is 1000mgs trenbolone
1000mgs masteron
500mgs testosterone
500mgs equipoise
injecting all this gear is getting super annoying and I find myself sometimes doing 4 or 5 CC’s each pin. please help give me...
hello I had a product question about using Trenbolone from geneza pharma?
I'm interested in possibly using their trenbolone acetate, how is the injections in terms of if it causes any type of inflammation when you inject. I'm very sensitive to that sort of thing
I'm planning my next cycle and I'm hoping to get the most out of it
looking to use Trenbolone and looking to use a couple other steroids to add to the mix
but mainly I'm going to be doing Trenbolone and focusing on that. Which of the brands on napsgear have the best Trenbolone that you have...
since I started using Trenbolone I'm having this weird cough especially when I inject it. It comes on while I'm injecting and then afterwards I cough for about 20 seconds and a lot of phlegm comes out of my nose
also when I am doing cardio I have to stop and do some heavy breathing because I'm...
I’m 34
173 pounds
looking at doing equipoise EQ with trenbolone enanthate
looking at 400mg of each per week
should I run an oral with this stack or do it solo?
Also how long do I need to run it, would 16 weeks be good or no?
what is the best ratio to run trenbolone and testosterone?
I was thinking doing the tren 2: 1 to get more of a cutting effect
I want to lose like 10 pounds on this cycle but I don’t want to waste the muscle I have
I’m 34 years old
187 pounds
16% body fat
okay so I read online that you shouldn't stack Trenbolone and deca-durabolin together but there really was no explanation given as to why
I've already run both separately but never together. I heard also that this was a great stack for those who are experienced.
What is your opinion about using...
looking to pick up some Trenbolone from geneza pharma
I am going to do around 300mg a week. I'm not done Trenbolone in a few years but catching up on the latest strategies to using it
Seems like running cabergoline is smart on it. how much would you run with it and how long should I run the...