I am starting to get really bad breakouts on my upper back and face ever since my doctor put me on TRT. I asked him about it and he laughed and said it would go away and to just be patient
he has me using 160mg a week along with adex.
Any tips you can give me on how to get rid of it?
Evolutionary.org Radio Episode #420 Taking steroids or TRT and not working out?
Evolutionary.org Radio Episode #419 Too young for steroids, TRT and birth control.
I’m 41 years old and on doctor prescribed TRT for the past year. I’m using 150mg a week of testosterone.
What can I add to this to increase my libido and energy? I am looking also to add in some strength and size
I currently am benching 245 pounds and I weight 200 pounds. I want to get way...
I am on TRT and running 200mg a week as my dosage which I will keep going with. I want to add sarms to it as a bridge between cycles, how does this sound?
I will do 12 weeks steroids, then TRT with sarms, then 12 more weeks steroids. Which sarms work good with TRT?
I am going to an anti-aging clinic for my testosterone replacement therapy and they also want to put me on HCG. from my research and what I've heard from the podcast this is completely unnecessary but they are shoving it down my throat. what are the advantages to running it they won't explain it...