Does anyone have personal experience with this manufacturer? I haven't found much for reviews or lab testing. I got it from Naps and I got the ment enanthete. Thank you for your input fellas.
Does anyone have personal experience with this manufacturer? I haven't found much for reviews or lab testing. I got it from Naps and I got the ment enanthete. Thank you for your input fellas.
In the future, please do not double post this.. it clutters the forum and its not necessary whatsoever to do
I have not heard anything about them so i cannot comment..
I can tell you that the most consistently reviewed and popular places to get everything is from who has the longest standing reputation you can find!
I have never heard of them or heard anything about them but I can tell you that the most trusted and best quality out there comes from !
Does anyone have personal experience with this manufacturer? I haven't found much for reviews or lab testing. I got it from Naps and I got the ment enanthete. Thank you for your input fellas.
AVoGen Lab has been around for over a decade Privately Which AVG holds its quality by producing OEM. AVG became public a few yrs ago. very large selection of Blends nearly 50 blends Etc. HPLC has been conducted before receiving the Raw material from a private Testing lab before it is released to the AVG.
MENT E unique molecule Not many suppliers carry due its cost $$ to maintain it.
There For AVG has been labeled to be respected among BBing community
I personally utilized AVG for a handful of years and was very pleased with the quality.
Just update. I sent the avogen ment enathate to jurosick or whatever the name is and it tested 59mg test enanthate per cc. Now I just followed directions and didnt.know to give him the brand. So I'm hit.on it but just wanted to pass that on.
Just update. I sent the avogen ment enathate to jurosick or whatever the name is and it tested 59mg test enanthate per cc. Now I just followed directions and didnt.know to give him the brand. So I'm hit.on it but just wanted to pass that on.