Sure, takes no courage to call you out Steve. I disagree highly with a lot of your viewpoints, especially this one.
Elite athletic competitions have separate male and female events due to men’s physical advantages in strength, speed, and endurance so that a protected female category with objective entry criteria is required. Prior to puberty, there is no sex ...
“An androgen is a hormone capable of developing and maintaining masculine characteristics in reproductive tissues (notably the genital tract, as well as in other tissues and organs associated with secondary sexual characteristics and fertility) and contributing to the anabolic status of nonreproductive body tissues (
11). The two dominant bioactive androgens circulating in mature mammals, including humans—
So since we don’t need to cycle with testosterone, and our bodies can run off of nandrolones like deca and tren like you indirectly state, why wernt we made as humans with our main hormone of tren and deca? Should we TRT on deca tren and orals? When you run a cycle; your taking AWAY the main male hormone that your body NEEDS and NATURALLY produces. does your body produce winstrol naturally? tren naturally? deca naturally? anadrol naturally? No, So why should we take away our natural hormone and replace it with a derivative of it such as these compounds.
Steve your argument regarding this topic i never understood, and never will. That’s great you were around and knowledgeable about the 90s era and spreading information from the 90s. So should we also get rid of aromasin and arimidex and rely on proviron again? drink beer post workout? spend 6 hours in the gym a day? Or how about just disregard prami and caber?
So Steve, provided orals had no side effects, tren aswell, would you be happy running your body the rest of your on these compounds in replacement of testosterone? I don’t think so. These compounds are DERIVATIVES, no anabolic steroid can replacement testosterone or mimic what it does.
So let’s just walk around with absolute zero levels of testosterone,
Small studies in the early 2000s found that men with heart disease who underwent testosterone therapy saw only slight improvements. Some were able to increase their walking distance by 33 percent. Another study found that hormone therapy only widened healthy arteries but had no effect on angina pain.
How many steroids can do that?
Research shows that men with higher ratios of total testosterone have a reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. There’s also evidence for a strong correlation between testosterone and thinking abilities such as verbal memory and faster processing speed. Testosterone treatment for men 34 to 70 years old has shown an improvement in spatial memory.
what about that?
Should we just forget about these added benefits while on cycle and walk around with zero testosterone, a hormone our body produces natural since day one? Everything in the body is put there and produced for a reason, crashing it and removing it trying to replace it, will never provide similar results. Crash your estrogen on cycle see what happens. Crash your testosterone on cycle without replacing it see what happens. Crash your prolactin on cycle see what happens.
But no, it’s okay we crash our testosterone, because anabolic steroids can mimic testosterone’s functions... right ..? I might as well just TRT on deca or EQ then since testosterone is so “overrated” and unnecessary, but only on cycle though, right?
So let’s just get rid of PCT’s and testosterone TRT? I don’t think you think that’s a good idea, so why is it a good idea to have zero testosterone on cycle, but zero testosterone when your off isn’t okay? So while on cycle let’s just throw all the health, mental and physical, benefits of testosterone out the window and rely on these man made altercations of it.
Come on Steve. No anabolic can mimic all testosterone’s traits, show me a government study showing a product that can and... you win.