Now that I've done my walk o' shame.. just wanna say thanks to the guys that reached out trying to check on me the past few weeks

I missed my Anabolex fam and hope that everyone is doing great
So as I've mentioned my next cycle is going to be Deca/Test Cyp/Winsrol/Proviron. It's weeks, possibly even months away but I'm just trying to plan it. I have Caber on hand as well as 1 bottle of NPP and some dbol. I have never run deca before but everything i read says it takes a while for any results so my first question is
to jumpstart things should I just start with the NPP or add the dbol to the first few weeks?
dosage.. my normal trt dose that keeps me at around 910-920 is 340mg per week. Since I started my last cycle I've been running 750mg (375 2x wk) but I'm going back down this coming week after I do labs with endocronologist on Tuesday. I started Proviron a couple months ago (25mg ed) and I'm assuming that's what did it but my back is covered in acne now even up onto my neck. Stopping that this week as well.. even with Proviron and all this test libido is blah.. it was good idk what happened.
Maybe Estrogen related?
So if normal TRT dose is 340mg per week what should it be for cycle with deca and what should deca be at? And then Winstrol 50mg ed? It's liquid winstrol btw..
 So I'm about to cut my test dose in half and cut the Proviron, how should i expect to feel? The new dose of test previously had me in the low 900's which it should do again right? Meaning I should feel fine...?
I know this one is all over the place so I guess I'll wrap it up and save the rest for the next one. Thank yall
W/ Respect