First go at Sarms. Currently running 12 week protocol on the stack posted above for the last week 1/2. I originally stated 2 1/2 weeks ago that I was going to start a log. Unfortunately I have been uninterested in it but felt it would be doing the people I promised a solid if I went ahead and logged it. So welcome friends.
On day 1 I went against the advice of DG and ran my ProHormone with my Stack (LGD, GW, S4) because at this point I only had 6-7 days left I thought what better way to trick my body into creating muscle then to blast both for a week before I settle down and run the 12 weeks of Sarms. The first day on (PH and Sarms) my workout was non-existent, I felt like a ghost. I stepped in the gym it felt like my body gained 10 pounds, I was dragging ass, I still put in work. I had little to no motivation besides sheer will and the hope I would wake up and kick it into 3rd gear anytime but it never happened. I felt heavy in the chest and almost drunk, my head was dull. Head felt weightless while my body felt heavy. It was a shitty workout because my mind was operating at approximately 50% and I was straining for that 50. In regards to the taste of Sarms, I’ve never did liquid shit, but I like the physical feeling of dropping this chemical in my mouth. It tastes like alcohol, like Tito’s or Smirnoff. I found it best to freeze a monster for 30 minutes. Take an ice cold sip, drop your chemicals on top of that and swallow, no harmful chemical taste or burn. I noticed that without juicing it, the chemicals would actually burn my tongue. The following 6-7 days my workouts were fuckin flames, I mean I was putting plate after plate on the hack squat. FINALLY benching in the 300s again for reps. Triceps are filling in nicely. Couple things I noticed, again this was while using both the ProHormone and the Sarms for 1 week.
Let’s talk about this last half week that I’m completely off of the Prohormone, and only ingesting Sarms. GW is one hell of a drug, If your an athlete or a warrior in the gym I can’t see how you wouldn’t want this in your repertoire. GW is awesome I’m basing this opinion on working out as in lifting weights primarily bodybuilding or powerlifting movements. I don’t get tired, not that u have an extra lung but your time under tension feels like a breeze while allowing you to anti up the force you generate through your muscles. It gives you freedom during your set. The LGD is giving me strength and I’m guessing it’s adding the weight. I’m now 211, week ago I was 204 to give you perspective. I didn’t realize how quickly 50 migs of S4 will tear thru a bottle, (less then 2 weeks) so I ordered two new bottles and cut my dose in half to last until I get my original dose back. I find it pleasing running the S4 at 20 migs for sleeping purposes, I felt that at 50 you feel it in the gym (can’t pinpoint my feelings on what it’s doing, there’s a noticeable decrease in strength coming down from 50 a day to 20.) I also find that with the S4 at 50 it’s a tad bit harder to sleep and the heart palpations are slightly more prevalent. At 20 I am more relaxed at night. My workouts this half week have been focused, a full mind muscle connect is happening. I am growing in confidence and size. I put on 8 lbs after coming off the Prohormone. The size is coming daily. I feel like a made man in the gym. I don’t feel Euphoric but rather Focused as fuck.
That’s all I have for now. I will try to clock in every week. Perhaps a pro and con panel. I have to really take some time and analyze, Im a lazy motherfucker. I’ll get it done. I had to re up on GW, S4, and I picked up a bottle of MK677 to use for the nights before arm days and Hamstrings because I want to beef those out. Learning as I go. So fair well for now. Next time I will go more in depth, it’s just hard to tell you how I feel while just coming off a month cycle of ProHormones. Shout out to DG.
LGD4003 | 10 mgs Morning |
GW501516 | 20 mgs Morning |
S4 | 50 mgs 25Morning-25Afternoon |
On day 1 I went against the advice of DG and ran my ProHormone with my Stack (LGD, GW, S4) because at this point I only had 6-7 days left I thought what better way to trick my body into creating muscle then to blast both for a week before I settle down and run the 12 weeks of Sarms. The first day on (PH and Sarms) my workout was non-existent, I felt like a ghost. I stepped in the gym it felt like my body gained 10 pounds, I was dragging ass, I still put in work. I had little to no motivation besides sheer will and the hope I would wake up and kick it into 3rd gear anytime but it never happened. I felt heavy in the chest and almost drunk, my head was dull. Head felt weightless while my body felt heavy. It was a shitty workout because my mind was operating at approximately 50% and I was straining for that 50. In regards to the taste of Sarms, I’ve never did liquid shit, but I like the physical feeling of dropping this chemical in my mouth. It tastes like alcohol, like Tito’s or Smirnoff. I found it best to freeze a monster for 30 minutes. Take an ice cold sip, drop your chemicals on top of that and swallow, no harmful chemical taste or burn. I noticed that without juicing it, the chemicals would actually burn my tongue. The following 6-7 days my workouts were fuckin flames, I mean I was putting plate after plate on the hack squat. FINALLY benching in the 300s again for reps. Triceps are filling in nicely. Couple things I noticed, again this was while using both the ProHormone and the Sarms for 1 week.
Let’s talk about this last half week that I’m completely off of the Prohormone, and only ingesting Sarms. GW is one hell of a drug, If your an athlete or a warrior in the gym I can’t see how you wouldn’t want this in your repertoire. GW is awesome I’m basing this opinion on working out as in lifting weights primarily bodybuilding or powerlifting movements. I don’t get tired, not that u have an extra lung but your time under tension feels like a breeze while allowing you to anti up the force you generate through your muscles. It gives you freedom during your set. The LGD is giving me strength and I’m guessing it’s adding the weight. I’m now 211, week ago I was 204 to give you perspective. I didn’t realize how quickly 50 migs of S4 will tear thru a bottle, (less then 2 weeks) so I ordered two new bottles and cut my dose in half to last until I get my original dose back. I find it pleasing running the S4 at 20 migs for sleeping purposes, I felt that at 50 you feel it in the gym (can’t pinpoint my feelings on what it’s doing, there’s a noticeable decrease in strength coming down from 50 a day to 20.) I also find that with the S4 at 50 it’s a tad bit harder to sleep and the heart palpations are slightly more prevalent. At 20 I am more relaxed at night. My workouts this half week have been focused, a full mind muscle connect is happening. I am growing in confidence and size. I put on 8 lbs after coming off the Prohormone. The size is coming daily. I feel like a made man in the gym. I don’t feel Euphoric but rather Focused as fuck.
That’s all I have for now. I will try to clock in every week. Perhaps a pro and con panel. I have to really take some time and analyze, Im a lazy motherfucker. I’ll get it done. I had to re up on GW, S4, and I picked up a bottle of MK677 to use for the nights before arm days and Hamstrings because I want to beef those out. Learning as I go. So fair well for now. Next time I will go more in depth, it’s just hard to tell you how I feel while just coming off a month cycle of ProHormones. Shout out to DG.
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