@Mfcc how about pics? can you share those asap face blurredMy apologies not test e it’s actually sustanon. And I actually am dosing that full amount 150mg tren e, 125mg test cyp, 125mg test sustanon, 150mg npp, 100mg masteron and 30mg of anavar every 3rd day so all these numbers x1.33 for weekly dosage (expect anavar)
I will have my workout and food logged tonight or tomorrow for the day
Approved Log - My anavar testosterone trenbolone log
I’m 34 y.o, 6 feet and 230 pounds. I’ve done 3 cycles in the past. (Masteron and winstrol first time). I’m 7 weeks into my cycle. Just finished taking 50mg dbol everyday for 50 days. Currently I’m taking 30mg of anavar ed (just started after dbol), every 3 days I poke 150mg tren e, 125mg test...