Shoulder and elbow much better today didn’t feel the end to back off. Diet the last two days has been the same stuff I’ve been eating every day. Hitting right at 200g protein 150g carbs and 125g fat
Exercise- Pull+Core LA Fit
Fasted cardio
Bike 30mins 8.5mi Avg HR 129 Cal 357
Weight train 36 sets 1hr20m avg hr 124 cals 725
Pull-up BWx10,6,6
LFFW pulldown 142x12x3
LFFW ISO standing row 394x8x3
LFFW ISO seated row 344x10x3
dead hang BWx45sx3
Facepull 70x12x3
Cable single arm pullover 22.5x12x3
LFFW Preacher Curl 61x12x3
rev pec deck 120x15x3
DB Conc Curl/skullcrusher 22.5/45x12x3
Incline crunch BWx15x3
Capt Chair leg raise BWx15x3
Sauna 30 mins avg hr 138 cals 414
In sauna vacs 10x30secs
In sauna posing 10mins
Did a bit lighter today because I was dumb and acted like a 12 yo boy and arm wrestled a buddy of mine Saturday. Shoulder and elbow felt a little off so took it easy.
Exercise- Push+Core LA Fit
LFFW= Life Fitness free weight (plate loaded)
HSFW= Hammer Strength free weight (plate loaded)
Matrix= Matrix banded weight
Cardio Bike 30m 8mi avg hr 149 435cal
Weight training sets 30 1hr avg hr 120 cals 506
LFFW incline press 132x10x3
LFFW decline press 192x15x3
LFFW shoulder press 135x10x3
Matrix seated dips 160x15x3
Pec Deck 150x15x3
Matrix Lat Raise 90x15x3
Matrix tri ext 110x
Capt chair leg raises BWx15x3
Incline crunch BWx15x3
Hyperextensions BW+45x2
Sauna 30mins avg hr 140 417cals
In sauna Vacs 10x30secs
In sauna posing 10mins